Everything Paranormal/Supernatural/Ghost/Spirits/Demons


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have recently gotten into "ghost hunting" very recently. We wait until after 12am and head to a cemetery. Especially cemeteries with 100+ year old graves. I've only been to 3 so far. Two of the cemeteries I've visited seem to be basically a cemetery a night. Nothing more. We found one about an hour from our house. We just decided to take our first ghost adventure late at night. (The witching hour) It is out in the middle of nowhere. A single church sits in front of the cemetery. No lights at all. As soon as we pulled in we both got an ominous feeling immediately. We start walking around for about 5 minutes when we hear a single ring in the distance. We stopped and looked around. I couldn't see what was making the ring. I said If anything is here with us can you make that noise again? Instantly two dings. I said if you want us to come in your direction make the noise again. Instantly several fast dings. We both got scared and decided to walk in the opposite direction. As we walked down a dirt path I seen a shadowy figure walking out just in front of us and fade. It lasted about 2 seconds. We decided to out of that place after that.
A few days later after us talking about our experience we decided to go back in the day time. As we walked around the cemetery we noticed a lot of death dates from the late 1800's and very early 1900's. We found a place a big family is buried. Aunts's, uncle's, Grandma's, Grandpa's, sister's, brother's and even some small graves that didn't have names at all just Infant Child and Son Of Robert so and so. Weird. The thing about this family is that on every husband and wife gravestone the men have the Freemasons symbol and the women have the pentagram. I think we stumbled on some sort of cult type graveyards. INSANE. I do understand that the pentagram means different things to different cultures and beliefs but all of the pentagrams had runes on each arm of the star and one arm of each star has a goat's head carved into it.
That all being said I did get what sounds like a person brushing up against me on audio recording but that's hardly worth showing compared to the feeling we both shared and the creepy shadowy figure. We did go back with the intension on visiting the Freemasons graves. We pulled up after 12am and as soon as we stopped we heard a moan right outside our passenger window. We stayed in the car to record if it happened again. After a few minutes we got out of the car. We seem to keep seeing stuff moving way up from us in the dark. It was so dark we just decided it was our eyes playing tricks on us. We walked for about 5 minutes when I seen a shadowy figure run towards us no less that 30ft in front of us and fade out to nothing before reaching us. That spelled time to go again. I'm not a jumpy or skidish person but that was frightening. I know they can't reach out and kill me but damn it's creepy. We decided to go back during the next full moon. I will update you after our trip.