Ok so you're sitting at home and wondering "how can I actively participate in the war against the war on mj". Well you can do what I do and make small donations to NORML (National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws - http://norml.org), from your living room. They are the main group that is working against the fascists and just think, if every pot user out there donated 5 bucks that they would normally have spent on pot, just think of the difference we could make. The cost of pot would go down substantially if they finally regulated it and made it available legally, so don't worry you are definitely not wasting your money. These guys need as much financial support and power as possible, they have the ability to cohere, whereas without such a group to represent us we are simply potential victims of an insidious war and we have to keep our hobby to ourselves (divided we fall). These guys however don't have anything to lose by actively fighting against the regime. Hell I don't even live in the USA, but I still donate to this american based group because I believe if the federal law changes in the US it is likely to create a domino effect and other closely allied countries will follow suite.