Everyone Opennn Quickkkk!!!!!1


Active Member
im kind of a newbi but i been growin for like 5 years only 2 years of sucesful bud i m young though

so not to turn this into sumthin long but is superthrive kinda like voo doo juice nutrients frum advance nutrients or m i totaly wrong i need something to strenthen my roots nd stems of my plant any ideass would b helpful


Well-Known Member
Are you growing soil or hydro? Strengthening roots/stems can be done by using nutes with a high amount of nitrogen in it, but do not nute burn your plants. Are you using nutes already? Does your soil have nutes already if you're using soil? Give a little more info so we can help more :D


Active Member
rite now acualy im usin some mg organic soil which caused one of my plants to bush crazy nd with the soil im usin a nute thts 16-0-0 basicaly all nitrogen but its not makin them as stong as i think they should b for being givin basicaly pure nitrogen


New Member
superthrive is a plant hormone not nutrient formula.
but it will help your roots grow a bit stronger than what they are.

as far as the stems go you can start keeping a fan on them and they will gradually get thicker or stake them up.