every ones first grow


Well-Known Member
my first plant was back in december it didnt get past veg because i got caught im not sure what strain it was since it came in an indoor variety pack . but my first outdoor grow is right now and im doing blueberry and Northernlights/Skunk.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I am growing my first right now, PPP. Have 4 nice plants in flower and 14 clones rooted from them. Check out my journal.


Well-Known Member
ah very nice choices my gardern consist of 1 durgamata from paradis seeds,4 northern lights from kasey brains and right now i got 9 sprouts of northern lightsXbig bud.


Well-Known Member
im in the middle of my very first grow (outdoors) dont know what strain they are but there are two different types, nothing super special.


Active Member
Im doing my first grow, right now I have a chronic plant in my back yard, Its getting there, its been a couple of weeks and it has 6 leaves, but still tiny.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
*first* grow...sometime in -72 or '73. Mexi bag seed...planted in the woods in a far too shady spot. We had NO CLUE. Never flowered....we smoked it.

first indoor...'91. Again..bagseed. Did 2 grows..then was gifted clones and learned to clone on my own.

I've never looked back (Ok, until now) and have had a continuous grow going now for over 15 years... 6 harvests per year.

toooo much fun. tooooo much fun...

bt dt


Well-Known Member
im on my first grow and i got some bagseed does ne 1 know how 2 tell what strain this is or what kind of weed(ex. indica or savita?)

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
looks more indica than sativa to me but you'll have to grow em and flower em to be sure. I've seen leaves get more narrow as time goes along..and vice versa.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
i grow my second indoor now.the first grow i f...ed up with myself i leave male plant with fem.and she goes to seeds.its happens half year ago.now i grow one purple power fem.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Yields are a variable thing that are hard to pin down. Grower experience, environmental factors, genetics, LUCK...and more all play into what yer gonna see at the end of the run...

For SMALLER plants INDOORS..I think an indica will usually outperform a sativa in yield. Larger plants? Different story and the scales can tip either way. (literally)

No way to really tell what you have there/what strain/what species, etc. As I say...looks more indica/indica dominate to me....but only time will tell. What was the weed like the seeds came from?

all you can do is hang on fo' the ride....

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
the weed waz leafy but its waz pretty good chronic but i dont want leafy weed is there ne way 2 stop it?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
*first* grow...sometime in -72 or '73. Mexi bag seed...planted in the woods in a far too shady spot. We had NO CLUE. Never flowered....we smoked it.

first indoor...'91. Again..bagseed. Did 2 grows..then was gifted clones and learned to clone on my own.

I've never looked back (Ok, until now) and have had a continuous grow going now for over 15 years... 6 harvests per year.

toooo much fun. tooooo much fun...

bt dt
Well a true expert then eh? You have been growing longer than most here have been smokin, lol
Questions for yall:
What kind of yields does a hybrid sativa/indica mix have? I am growing a white strain PPP right now, Nirvana tells me it is a hydrid mix mostly sativa. I got the seeds from them. I have 5 females growing now and made 14 clones from them. The next grow is going to be White Widow, any advice on that one?