Ever went to school high or tripping?


New Member
Anybody ever been to school while you were high or tripping? And if u have, try and tell the story and what happened.

I went to school high a lot of times back in high school, and drunk a couple times. Ive only been out of high school for a couple years though. For some reason every time I went to school high some really crazy shit happened that never happened when I was there sober lol. I remember one time that stands out the most and it was crazy. I ate a gram or so of weed in a cookie 30 mins before school started and from about 10 mins into 1st period I got progressively more high until I was out of my mind. I remember I looked at the worksheet in front of me and couldnt concentrate to read it so I just said "fuck it" out loud lol, luckily it was more of a whisper. I just sat there the whole period with no idea what was going on. I was too high so I was gonna skip the rest of the day but at the end of 1st period I got called to the office and was so paranoid and scared that they knew I was high (it was very obvious, my eyes were blood red lol). I got to the principal and to my surprise I didnt get in trouble and it was just about skipping study hall. I had gym after that and couldnt do shit in there lol. IDK how I did it but I stayed the whole day but didnt do any work the whole time. Some other weird shit happened during the day too. I was high out of my mind for a good 4+ hours, I was still high at lunchtime. All in all that was fun but crazy when it happened.


New Member
Thinking about this, I just remembered some more:

That same day I was talking about, during 1st period they searched my locker. This guy came into my class with one of those things for snapping open lockers, he didnt say anything to me directly but he was talking to my teacher from across the room and said my name and was shaking this head. I wouldnt have noticed this if I wasnt high. Someone snitched on me and told them I was selling weed and crack and had it in my locker...smh. I still dont know to this day who snitched on me. Oh yeah, luckily they didnt find anything I didnt have anything in my locker at the time. That was one crazy day lol.


Well-Known Member
going to school high is great , because its fun to see all of your friends and they like will all know you are high too, because its rare for people to be like stoned at school even though alot of kids do it. i used to do it alot last year ,because my first hour was Team sports so i would go to school high and play basketball and volleyball, etc. lol..but this years 1st semester sched isnt a real legit wake n bake sched because i got weights, but 2nd semester is lookin pretty tight because ill be watching movies 1st hour haha


Well-Known Member
yes every day we used to take a bottle pipe.
once we took acid, but never again, we had to go home cos we were laughing too much.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who's come to school tripping 3 times so far this year, and he's always managed it fine. He's weird to begin with, though, so his behavior doesn't seem to strange, even on acid. I go to school high nearly every day. It helps me concentrate and get things done. I get too damn bored without herb.


New Member
I have a friend who's come to school tripping 3 times so far this year, and he's always managed it fine. He's weird to begin with, though, so his behavior doesn't seem to strange, even on acid. I go to school high nearly every day. It helps me concentrate and get things done. I get too damn bored without herb.
I knew some ppl like that too. I could never understand how they could do that and not freak out. I even knew a kid in middle school that came to school trippin on shrooms at least 10 times and was high almost everyday and he managed it somehow. I can barely manage a good weed high in school let alone shrooms or acid lol.

I know what ur talking about with the concentration too though, but I can concentrate better about 1 hour after being high. I was completely blown one day around 4th period and after the high wore off and 7th period came around I went back and I could finally concentrate in algebra, shit made sense. Normally I got an attention problem and cant concentrate.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
me and a few buds would smoke weed every morning befor school and sometimes at lunch, but one time I smoked some weed laced with coke and I dident know worst high of my life, my eyes went all blury and I couldent hear!


New Member
I talked about the time I accidentally did some PCP on here before. I had weed laced with it and didnt know, that was a really bad experience.

The only good thing about that is that I did it in the nighttime on a friday night on accident, I was actually planning on smoking and eating all ofo that weed right before I went to school the next monday...thank GOD that I didnt. I cant imagine what it would have been like if I went to school in that condition lol.


Well-Known Member
The occasional spliff on the weekends was it for me.
I took my education very serious.
I knew before I got into highschool that If I partied hard, I'd end up working at some dead end job.
Yeah, I got picked on sometimes because I studied alot. But when I went to my 20 year reunion a couple of years ago, everyone looked at me like I was the "creme de la creme".

Trust me, you may think these years in school are your best years for experiences.
There not......
Get your shit together....study....go to college....work hard.

Life would really suck if I was stuck in some dead end job, I probably wouldn't be able to afford any of my toys.
I'd probably be forced to live in some piece of shit shack in the hood.
Plus, I would be only able to afford shitty dirt weed.
Trust me, Money doesn't buy happiness.....But it sure makes things a hella of alot easier.


Well-Known Member
:joint:i tripped a ton through good old high school, lol. Stoned too. Got straight A's . :weed:I wanted to get A's though and well teachers just sorta cracked a joke if they saw anything. I remeber sitting in 5th peroiod in once though and looking at my hand and it was shaking. I thought i better cut back on the vodka, hmmm, everything else for a while will be good. Lol, it was liquor that made me thro off college later. Weed not a problem and acid well its a beautiful day. Drink the booze u looze, stay off the booze stay in school be cool rofl :hug::joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
going to school in the morning is good shit, going out to lunch coming back high good shit smoking before PE good shit;).

You gotta be able to handle it tho cant be actin a fool in class.


Well-Known Member
I once went to catechism class tripping.
I was out with my girls and we popped acid, the first time I ever tripped.
I was tripping my ass off in a field with my horse and my girls....all was good,
then, WHAM....here comes my dad in his Lincoln....barreling across the field.
He jumps out of his car and yells 'you have to go to church, NOW. Get your ass home
and get changed...NOW'
I almost died.....So, yup, I went to church tripping my ass off....never again.
Years later my mother told me they knew....hahaha


New Member
Yes I did - and my school put me on Drug Contract for it. The funny thing is I wasn't even high that particular day .. They just found a bowl some kid left in a car I was sitting in during lunch period.. They used to just test everyone they suspected of being on something and of course I failed the drug test.. I got suspended for it but I eventually dropped out anyway.


New Member
For a while I used to go to school 1st-3rd period (sometimes not even 3rd) and then after that I had 2 study halls with lunch in the middle and I used to smoke a blunt while walkin home then just sit there and chill for 2 hrs then go back to school for 7th and 8th period. My house was about a 5 min walk from school. Ahh those were the days.

I still cant believe I didnt get in trouble that day I was blown and went to the principals office...my eyes were red and it was obvious I was high. I got lucky A LOT of times now that I think about it.


Well-Known Member
ahhh memories used to smoke in school takin pipe hits in the yard and bathroom(got caught). senior year transfered to a continuation school where most of the teacher seem to be on somthing. smoked in class a couple of times take a hit from the pipe and just blow the smoke into the backpack lol.


Well-Known Member
I gotta set this up...

I'm between classes at the local college. I run into a smoking (cig - lil subculture of college you non smokers may know nothing of...) buddy who invites me for a bowl in his auto.

I politely declined, citing the need for my full facilities during my short time with some highly intelligent professionals...time I was borrowing dearly for!! I didn't want to waste it podering the state of my cottonmouth for an hour...

He asked what class I had up. Philosophy was next. It was a 200 class with one of the only tenured professors at the school, and really, an excellent educator.

Visibly delighted, he cries, 'PERFECT!'

Being a sound student of logic, I could see his reason...

So twenty minutes into this lecture after smoking waaaay too much of this ridiculously sticky bud, I get it in my little peasy ass brain to raise my hand and make a comment on what this man was saying about something that he'd studied his whole life.

The entire lecture pauses as I comment for 5-10 seconds, and the professor kinda furrows his brow and says, 'I don't follow you. Think about it and come back to me if you can clean it up.'

And goes on with his excellent lecture like I was so much fly shit on a windshield.

Scorned, (not really, just stoned, mostly) I sat there and pondered what the fuck I'd been thinking to call any sort of attention to my silly little blazed self.

Never knowing when it was good enough, I dug back into the lecture. Fifteen minutes later, I raised my hand again.

I got the floor and spoke for what seemed like a long time...long enough that I got spooked for a minute when I thought my train of thought was going to jump the trax on me... but I held true and said my piece.

The teacher just kinda looks at me with this little nod and a wan smile and says,"You know, I never thought of it like that before. I'm going to have to think about that."

<cue angelic choir> I was frikkin ecstatic! I mean, here I am lit the fukkup - in no way fit for public consumption, getting a guy whose main job function is to THINK and teach about THINKING...tells me that 'he never thought about it like that before' about some shit that he thinks about all the time...

Well, that was the day I proposed to miss MJ...

:weed: I do...may I smoke the bride?

Considering that I'm really an 8th grade dropout, I feel like that is one of the high points in my life. Pun intended. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I remember back in the day me and my buddies would get high every single day at school, we literaly did not miss one day without smoking it. during lunchtimes, recess's, spares, between classes, we smoked alot of blunts, out of bongs, pop cans, anything. All of our teachers knew that we smoked it, and im surprised we have never got caught, we've been searched a couple times but thats it.
Because I also have adhd, I found smoking marijuana relaxed me, calmed me down and I could concentrate alot easier in class, thats probably the only thing that really kept me in school lol, good ol marijuana.bongsmilie :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I never did it, but I've been planning to for a while... I'm really curious as to how it would effect my activity during class... Because I'm always bored.


Well-Known Member
i went through a bad time and for about 2 weeks straight i would smoke before, during lunch, and after school/before work everyday. it was alright, i kinda like college alot better when i get high for certain usually boring classes. it helps