Ever smoked in a snow covered car????


we just got a lot of snow and by friends car was covered in snow so we hot boxed it and watched fight club on a laptop, felt like smoking in an igloo haha. seriously though we could not see out the windows at all


Active Member
Ya man did the same thing except without the movie me and a buddy i hadnt seen for a long time who had dropped out of a high school a few years ago saw each other and it had been like a year and we just knew we had to go blaze it and we went out into my car it was cover in snow and just started smoking and caught up with each other for the time we have missed we both chill and smoke all the time cause of that night good time man brought up a good memory for me there


yeah my bud called me with the idea and we both got our stuff and got some food and drinks and headed straight for the car. it was the most relaxed i have been in so long. glassblower3000, i like the sound of that 'cold-boxing', haha


Well-Known Member
Having lived in Alaska for a good bit, of course! I love it... even better with snow bongs and of course solar bowls with our long sun during summer!


Well-Known Member
I love the roads in Alaska during winter, no spotty ice... just straight up ICE.

Going around curves at 50-55mph is fun, 60+ is even better! Just have to turn INTO the turn a little early ;)

See the yellow centerline? :D
