ever buy a bag not like it


Well-Known Member
and then resell it and use that money to buy better bud when your main hook stocks up.

i dont smoke that bammer weed (maybe to some of you guys, i do:bigjoint:)!!


Sure dont. Love the shit I get :bigjoint:

Not as good as if I was growing though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i couldnt wait to smoke so i bought off someone who i dont usually get from and it wasnt worth it. resold quickly and my hook was reupped a few hours later haha i just need 2 be patient
Never have, its all good in this Golden state.

Hell yeah, my friend wanted a half, my usuall guy was busy atm and my friend did not want to wait. So we had to walk through the candle wood apt ( low income apts around the news) and ask random guys for bud. Ended up waiting an hour in the freezing cold while this random guy is using my phone to call his " boy" and every time him and his "boy" got off the phone he swore it would be 5 for mins lol what a way to ruin my afternoon lol Bag ended being 3 grams short, also had a nice thumb sized hole in the side, he claimed when he got the bag from his boy, he was trying to smell the weed? and thats when he noticed the hole in the bag. It was obvious what he was doing, gettin his lil share, hate assholes like that.:wall: