Estimates on time left?

irish nugs

Hello people
Just a quick question here just wondering would anyone be able shed some light on special kush first ever grow 9 weeks into flower now on wed 24th also some fan leaves are starting to look but worse for wear is this normal?
Had no issues with fan leaves up till now on week 9 of flower

Also just any one recommend how close I am till harvest only 3 plants but all have grown very differently regards height an nugs etc
Pics added any help greatly appreciated as said total newbie at this very green around the ears still



Well-Known Member
Looks like you still have some time left for sure but you should be watching things with a loupe/magnifier...........however I wouldn't be defoliating that many leafs until I was literally harvesting ....also looks like you gave a lot of N to one of your plants it's very dark green ......did you defoliate

irish nugs

Looks like you still have some time left for sure but you should be watching things with a loupe/magnifier...........however I wouldn't be defoliating that many leafs until I was literally harvesting ....also looks like you gave a lot of N to one of your plants it's very dark green ......did you defoliate
Thanks for replies chief

I got a loup off eBay in post tried get pics through the loup ill try add more
What you mean defoliating fan leaves ? I wasn't but I have had some that looked very poor at this stage I didn't know whether it was all normal or that so if they were bit scorched or I pinched them left them for 24hrs and then removed the bad fan leaves was I wrong doing this? Also by looks like a lot of N to one you mean nutrients feed? Yes I didn't know whether I should stop or keep going at this stage of flower but way I usually do it is nutes diluted with water every other or 3Rd day then every 2 daysor 3 water only staggering it between water and nutes would this be right but yes some fan leaves are looking bit brown I thought this was normal at this stage, have had no issues up till now

Thanks for replie indacouch I tip my hat to ya


Well-Known Member
K so when looking through your loupe start watching your trichromes to change from clear to milky after there milky they will start to go amber in color this is when your harvest window is open ........your rite it is normal for a plant to fade during flower there's nothing wrong with that at all. When my plants are ready for harvest they look pretty rough with gorgeous buds .....I just thought you were pinching healthy leafs since there was so few on your plant there ......I normally don't remove a leaf unless it comes off with a gentle tug. Unless it's very very very mangled or sick for some reason .....the buds look nice though


Well-Known Member
You definately got more time to go and If you can be patient it will reward you some of those buds still look like there in the fattening up stage with all those new pretty white hairs with very few orange hairs those hairs also once new ones stop appearing and the ones that are there start to all or mostly turn orange and receed into the bud itself your getting close watch your trichromes and pay attention to the white hairs you see on your buds and they will tell you when it's ready

irish nugs

You definately got more time to go and If you can be patient it will reward you some of those buds still look like there in the fattening up stage with all those new pretty white hairs with very few orange hairs those hairs also once new ones stop appearing and the ones that are there start to all or mostly turn orange and receed into the bud itself your getting close watch your trichromes and pay attention to the white hairs you see on your buds and they will tell you when it's ready

Thanks again i have to say im quiet happy with myself for getting this far but then i read up a bit before i took the plunge but tbh some of it can bamboozle ya with things its a minefield out there lol thingd to do complicating things i like to keep things simple suits me fine but first ever grow so im happy

irish nugs

You definately got more time to go and If you can be patient it will reward you some of those buds still look like there in the fattening up stage with all those new pretty white hairs with very few orange hairs those hairs also once new ones stop appearing and the ones that are there start to all or mostly turn orange and receed into the bud itself your getting close watch your trichromes and pay attention to the white hairs you see on your buds and they will tell you when it's ready
Thanks for the tips on the white hairs on the buds i didnt know that tbh yeah some are going a kindve orange colour now
But i wouldve liked more watts i grew under cfls the only way the nissus would let it slide was that way or no way @_@
So cfls it was due to electric bills
But no i never pulled healthy leaves no just ones looked shot worst for wear i had a theory that the plant would just be wasting energy trying to regenerate a lost cause in bad leaves that same energy couldve been put in buds was just a theory i had a light bulb
But thanks again for tips on hairs new news to me

Ill have a little whiskey later on your behalf salute to you sir :-)