Escape Plans?


Active Member
Im sure Im not the first to consider this avenue of retreat in case of a series of catastrophic events. between being on the run or in jail i think i would rather be on the run. What options are open to me if i do decide to run if confronted with this delima? I have considered takeing to the hills with a bug out bag and living off the land and all that. I know not everyone can do that but i have been an experianced outdoors man most of my life. As far as the other options what are they, where are some safe places, what are the extradition treaties?


Active Member
well as a new grower my paranoid mind can come up with a series of possible situations, but mostly getting busted with a grow operation and being threatened with jail time


New Member
Well, like u've posted, you only have two options. Fight or flight. Depending on the charge, you'll have to decide for urself.


New Member
I'd say you have some planning to do. If ur not prepared, the rest is moot. I would think you'll need at least 10-20K cash, serious gear and weapons, a dog, and place to go. Only you can know what's best. If ur serious, then start working on a new identity.


Active Member
thats a bit better. any ideas on differnt places to go who has extradition and all that? what equipment avoiding detection and what not?


New Member
That scenario was for living in domestic brush. If you want to leave the border, you better double the cash.

You'll want to go where you can blend in, so if you look Nordic, Mexico is not the place for you.

Extradition really depends on how bad they want you. Look at Roman Polanski ... they waited 20+ years and still pinched him, in Switzerland!

I'm guessing Canada or Alaska. Two places a body can disappear, and many many ppl have already done it.

I'm not endorsing this link in any way, and have never seen it before, but I use it as an illustration. This is a level1 ID swap. There are other ways, but I'm not going to post about it online.


Active Member
ok, would i would like to do here is come up with 2 or three generic escape plans with several options as far as where to go and how to start over.


Active Member
Option 1: Taking to the bush
Place: head for the hills, canada, alaska ect
Equipment: tent, axe, roofer's hatchet, saw, entrenching tool or collapsable shovel, some dried food, matches, seeds, 22 cal rifle, 22 cal ammuntion, water purification tablets, small aluminum pot, paracord, some wire, condom(emergency water carryer) a good knife(fixed blade) multitool, sharping stone,, large dog toy(rawhide) nalgene bottle with duct tape wraped around to cut down on space, a small first aid kit, in an altoids tin some fishing line and some hooks. all should fit into a back pack to keep wieght down and mobility high.
How: bike as far as possible, engage in conversations as little as possible have destination and route planned out ahead of time, walk to the remote place you are going to set up. Set up camp near a reliable water source on a secluded piece of high ground. Set up camp, tent first as a temp shelter and set up a perpetual camp fire using only dry wood as wet wood creates smoke. Gather lots of wood. Pick a high spot for future home. pick a low wooded spot for future crop space. Pick long staight trees from the wooded crop area to cut down first. Cut down the trees one at a time delimbing and sawing into managable lengths for home log cabin constrction. lay out the area for the foundation by digging holes along the perimeter and driving logs into the holes to form piers. Notch sill logs to set on piers. notch logs in one of the dozen or so ways to lock the walls together notch smaller logs for rafters set up the roof. cover the roof with a woven thatch and if time permits shingles cut from billets of log. As time progresses plant crops trap and farm animals, dig a well, set up a blacksmith shop to fix and make tools(not as difficult as it sounds) one tech builds on another.


Well-Known Member
maybe a little context here, can understand not wanting to go in much detail
but are you just growing for yourself and maybe a few friends, or are you doing it for a living?
if you just have a large personal grow, maybe a 'controlled bugout' would be best
move to a MJ friendlier state, doubt it would be more costly or worse than a 'run for the hills/border' plan