Eric Schlosser - Reefer Madness

Ok, let's see if this works... I uploaded this lecture to a file storage site, and now I'll give the link and hopefully you will be able to download it. Schlosser - Reefer Madness.mp3

So, this is the guy who wrote Fast Food Nation speaking about pot and other parts of the black market, and its impact on society. He's an entertaining speaker and effectively illuminates the absurdity of marijuana prohibition and how it fits in to the bigger socio- economic picture... great for generating talking points.

This is the first time I tried this, so let me know how it works.

I assume I am operating within the forum rules, since I am not posting the actual material here. If not, let me know.

This comes from a collection of Alternative Radio found here:

...but you may have to be a member to download...



Well-Known Member
It is a very good book. Easy read too. I cranked through it and I am not much of a reader.