Epigenetics- is in my own words the turning on and off of certain genes. Say you have a set of identical twins, they are genetically identical at birth, however the things that they do will turn on and off specific genes throughout their lifespan, making them more and more different as they age. Now this is not to be taking as nature vs nurture. This is the fact that our genotype is actually altered by our behavior. This changes so many things, the complexity of epigentics is scary to me because I don't know if marijuana, alcohol, mushrooms etc. will affect my genotype in a positive or negative way. Is the psychoactive benefits enough to justify the risk. I don't know, I'll probably still use I just ish I had only stuck with weed and not the other stuff, thinking I will be fine when I had to quit things like amphetamines and dissociatives. Well, now I want to know how I can maintain a healthy epigenetic profile. I don;t want to fuck up my genes and pass it on to my kids genes and fuck them up too. If I would have known about this before I fell in-love with drug induced escape I still don't think it would have made a difference at 15, but it would have if I was abstinent till my age of 23 now.