Envirolite CFLs


Active Member
No bitching about if CFLs are any good or not. Ive got em, trying them out and Ive no money to buy anything else so thats that.

I have 2 envirolite RED and 1 envirolite BLUE but only space for two of them

Currently using 2 RED lamps as it is in bloom stage but I was wondering if there was any benefit to using one red and one blue?

I seem to remember that blue is for stem growth and nice leaves (veg stage) and red is specifically for bloom/flowering so to me there would be no apparent benefits from mixing the two but there are much more experienced users here who may have done otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Welcome anonion.

Yes you are correct on matching up spectrum with grow cycles.

As far as mixing the spectrums I like to myself.
I would deff go all blue in veg.
However, I would go mostly red with a blue supplement in flower.

I know everyone and everything says red only for bloom.
The plants will still use some of the blue spectrum
This makes for a broader array of light.
In turn you will have better buds.

:You know the sun does not change colors.
Happy growing..