Energy Healing


Well-Known Member
@New Age United asked me to start another thread about energy healing. I started a thread before, hoping to start some dialog about healing and energy, but I was unsuccessful. So I am going to try again for the sake of others.

I have held a long belief that what you see is what you get. I long believed that most psychics, healers, reiki masters was mostly new age feel good. Until I had a real bad Motorcycle accident. I spent five years under multiple doctors care. The end result was many shots and epidurals, and training in pain management for the rest of my life, as surgery was 50/50 at best, but more like 70/30 failure and more pain.

I persevered through the4 pain over the years using MMJ medicine to cope daily, even while working for the Executive level of the US government. Then an amazing thing happened. A person I had trained in practicing Nichiren Buddhism correctly, got her wish come true. She became what she had always wanted to be, an energy healer. Her lives dream was to heal others and eventually the world. Here is a link to her website. ->
She also has a youtube channel, and here is the link for that. ->

Why do I believe now? The Oracle Healer healed me, all 12 herniated disks, coccic, sacroiliac, torn muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones, etc. I no longer live in pain, and she performed multiple distant surgeries on me. We were never in the same part of the country, She is on the West Coast, and I was on her East Coast. She is my only medical support. When I am sick, I call her, and she heals me, right then, right there, and I am better again. Anything from a nasal infection, back ache, infections, etc. It does not matter to her.

So that is my story. I know there are some Reiki masters out there, and other Energy experts. I am no expert, just a very happy customer, that wants to see the rest of the MMJ community as happy as me, without pain. peace
what do you think?
Thank you Vegas I will respond at another time I have a few questions. My father is in the hospital as of today and I need to focus my thoughts and prayers on him right now.

Nam myoho renge kyo
I will chant for your father as well. nam myoho renge kyo.
Since Buddhism is a "Law of Life," issues like health and longevity are fundamental to it. Shakyamuni himself gave considerable thought to medical techniques. Buddhist scriptures incorporate the essence of Indian medicine (set forth in the Sacrificial Prayer Veda or Yajur Veda), which was the most advanced in the world in its day. At a later stage, Buddhist wisdom on the art of healing was compiled to form what is called Buddhist medicine. The sutras refer to Shakyamuni as the Great Healer . . .

As Nichiren says, 'Illness gives rise to the resolve to attain the way' (The Good Medicine for All Ills, WND-1, 937 -> peace
Thank you for chanting he is seeing a cardiologist now and they don't think it is critical.

Know that I don't doubt your story and that I am not trying to break your faith. How quickly was your ailments healed? Was it instant or did it require so.e time? How do you think she does it? How does she focus her energy as to affect your energy so greatly?
The results are the same as surgery. immediate results. I have seen her do people with arthritis and they get immediate relief. I was driving when I felt something in my back pull and puch. She later told me, that was her fixing my torn muscle. I could feel her working on me.

She focuses her energy using Source Energy. She allows Source Energy to take over and she does what Source Energy tells her top do. She never had any medical training prior to becoming a energy healer. everything comes to her when she enters your energy with your permission. She knows what causes the ailment, both mental and physical, and she4 corrects both. The individual has to do the mental work, or the problem will return. many ailments are caused by mental attitude. You can friend her on facebook and she will let you into her Oracle Healer group and you can ask directly. She loves people and loves to help people. She has taught me to open my Chakra's, correct minor ailments and help her, she cannot heal herself, so she uses me to figure herself out. She is an amazing person and I am pain free. I am a customer and a friend. April says, all you have to do is believe in healing energy and she takes it from there. simple amazing. Never would have believed it, If it had not happened to me. personal experience is the best medicine for belief. peace
