ending week 4 flower and a few pistils are amber.. why???


New Member
This is so far my best ever grow, so far conditions have been perfect. i am just starting my pk 13/14 so there is still alot of growing to be done, at least 3 weeks. The buds are getting fatter and are still big balls of white pistils. today i noticed that a few pistils have already turned amber.

Does anybody know why???

Is it a problem???


Well-Known Member
That is normal, they will slowly start turning amber now until the end of harvest. Perfectly normal, sounds like things are on track.


New Member
Thanks mate.

I was just looking at some of your plants, fuckin aye!! Fantasic is the word i'm looking for. Just wondering as i am still learning, do you ever take undamaged fan leaves off, and if so for what reason?

I have removed a few from the top of each plant to let light filter through better, but now feel i have made a big mistake.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate.

I was just looking at some of your plants, fuckin aye!! Fantasic is the word i'm looking for. Just wondering as i am still learning, do you ever take undamaged fan leaves off, and if so for what reason?

I have removed a few from the top of each plant to let light filter through better, but now feel i have made a big mistake.
Thanks man! I devote a lot of my time to my plants, so that means a lot..

I generally fall under the "leaves are solar panels" club.. The only fan leaves I take off are ones that come off with a gentle tug. If the leaf is holding on pretty tight then I leave it. Even if the leaf half dead, the plant can use the remaining nutrients in it, or it can take a little damage that would have spread to another leaf otherwise.

That being said, I have seen some people trim a SHITLOAD of fan leaves, and somehow it works out, and it seems to help yield with the extra light. I think a good middle ground is leaving the fan leaves, but instead spreading out the colas via SCROG or LST. That way you still get the better light distribution but without having to take off fan leaves.

So I wouldn't worry about it too much as MJ is pretty resilient. Unless you took a ton of them off, it should be fine. A few won't hurt.


New Member
Thanks mate.. ..after taking the leaves off from near the tops of the plants they stalled for a few days, to recover from shock i guess. My problem was timing, i took the leaves off the day before i started my pk 13/14. (lesson learned) i thought i would put a few pics up for you. this is the girls on day 29 of flower, after the pruning :-) Imported Photos 00000.jpgImported Photos 00001.jpgImported Photos 00003.jpgImported Photos 00010.jpg


Thanks man! I devote a lot of my time to my plants, so that means a lot..

I generally fall under the "leaves are solar panels" club.. The only fan leaves I take off are ones that come off with a gentle tug. If the leaf is holding on pretty tight then I leave it. Even if the leaf half dead, the plant can use the remaining nutrients in it, or it can take a little damage that would have spread to another leaf otherwise.

That being said, I have seen some people trim a SHITLOAD of fan leaves, and somehow it works out, and it seems to help yield with the extra light. I think a good middle ground is leaving the fan leaves, but instead spreading out the colas via SCROG or LST. That way you still get the better light distribution but without having to take off fan leaves.

So I wouldn't worry about it too much as MJ is pretty resilient. Unless you took a ton of them off, it should be fine. A few won't hurt.
taking off healthy green leaves will definitely stunt / shock your plant... but i know too many people that do it with no ill effects. I wouldnt do it unless you know the genetics of the strain youre growing.

I just dont do it because i feel it would be unnatural for the plant... supplement with lights on side etc if youre not getting enough light penetration from the top.