end of civilization


Well-Known Member
There are several groups of people out there suggesting that their pet issue will be the end of civilization.

Let's look at some!

Global warming. It's going to get a little warmer. Beach will be inland of where it is now. Storms might get worse. Drought in some areas, some arid areas might get more rain.
I don't think it's going to have disastrous consequences.

Immigration will kill western civilization. In Europe anyway, I think this one has legs. Native European people have well below replacement birth rate, the Arab african immigrants there are multiplying like tribbles. In 50 years Eurabia may well come into existence.

Nibiru. Supposedly an extra planet on a 3600 year orbit. Advanced civilization living on it. The gravity causes massive earth change. Not buying this one.

Economic collapse. Civilization has seen economic collapse and lived through it. It will suck but won't end us.

Any more?

What do y'all think of these?


Well-Known Member
Looking at the last hundred years things are only gonna get interesting for sure,
tho this time lets be a little more cautious about listening to our leaders about killing all them people over there,
like 15 million in gas chambers, the war the plague etc etc
but what else will slow this human race down ...
we are like rats?
this movie may need a re-write but still carries a big message


Well-Known Member
There are several groups of people out there suggesting that their pet issue will be the end of civilization.

Let's look at some!

Global warming. It's going to get a little warmer. Beach will be inland of where it is now. Storms might get worse. Drought in some areas, some arid areas might get more rain.
I don't think it's going to have disastrous consequences.

Immigration will kill western civilization. In Europe anyway, I think this one has legs. Native European people have well below replacement birth rate, the Arab african immigrants there are multiplying like tribbles. In 50 years Eurabia may well come into existence.

Nibiru. Supposedly an extra planet on a 3600 year orbit. Advanced civilization living on it. The gravity causes massive earth change. Not buying this one.

Economic collapse. Civilization has seen economic collapse and lived through it. It will suck but won't end us.

Any more?

What do y'all think of these?
Climate change and economic inequality will both end this country as you know it

That doesn't mean everyone will die. It means the way you live your life today will not be the same as you live it tomorrow if we do nothing about these issues.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The increase in technology over the last few centuries has not had a corresponding increase in "civility".

Man is now an evil monkey that has the ability to make fancier tools, but he still has a long way to go to rid himself of his contradictory and self destructive behaviors.

People sometimes mistake government imposed order for civilization and fail to see that top down imposed order is a form of slavery.
Spontaneous order....now that is something different.


Well-Known Member
The increase in technology over the last few centuries has not had a corresponding increase in "civility".

Man is now an evil monkey that has the ability to make fancier tools, but he still has a long way to go to rid himself of his contradictory and self destructive behaviors.

People sometimes mistake government imposed order for civilization and fail to see that top down imposed order is a form of slavery.
Spontaneous order....now that is something different.
I've seen ample examples of non coercive freedom. I'll take a little coercion, please and thank you.

Like with many other things the issue is how much, not yes or no.

Your state of nature is nasty brutish and short.


Well-Known Member
Climate change and economic inequality will both end this country as you know it

That doesn't mean everyone will die. It means the way you live your life today will not be the same as you live it tomorrow if we do nothing about these issues.
Yeah I dunno.
It could, if it's as bad as you've been led to believe.

I just don't see any climate change alarmists as reality.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the last hundred years things are only gonna get interesting for sure,
tho this time lets be a little more cautious about listening to our leaders about killing all them people over there,
like 15 million in gas chambers, the war the plague etc etc
but what else will slow this human race down ...
we are like rats?
this movie may need a re-write but still carries a big message
You're right. And immigration makes this problem worse.


Well-Known Member
'We' ..../ I laugh at the way the UN(united nations) works, our governments also,
if we are gonna survive another 100 years we gotta work together all of us,
not just self serving politicians or even musicians
the recent Ebola situation, immigration from 3rd to 1st world,
even the Ukraine situation, shit even global climate change
............the list is endless its either that or a one world government
and that is one way to save the world,
at least half of it ..?


Well-Known Member
The increase in technology over the last few centuries has not had a corresponding increase in "civility".
That's an interesting point, and while I largely agree, I think a more accurate statement would be to say that our technological advancement has vastly outpaced our "moral advancement". While we are certainly still pretty fucked up today, some of us aren't as fucked up as we used to be, and there aren't that many folks on the planet that would look at crucifixion as a viable form of punishment.

But then there's Haj....

Regardless, I hold the opinion that we shall cease to exist due to normal / natural conditions beyond our span of control that alter our environment and make it unfit for human habitation. Volcanic eruption, meteor / asteroid impacts, something along those lines...


Well-Known Member
You forgot the NWO with their FEMA camps and sky spraying. They are creating palgues and releasing poisons into the air to kill us all. It's just a matter of time before we are all either enslaved, or DEAD.


Active Member
what kills me is that we all know humans are responsible for anything that goes wrong,but noone will change......thats crazy!the only way most will change is if they are forced to...i live almost off the grid,self sustained life....its not easy,but the piece of mind is priceless

to change the earth you have to sacrfice


Well-Known Member
Why depend on Technology to cure our ills..?
sure tech cured world war 1 and 2
but only as a source of 'new' killing methods
to expect tech to fix the current world situation and the future of it
is asking way to much, unless you take the WW2 or even WW3 idea and wipe out 50% of the world,
3rd world naturally they don't have or care for the tech>?
the movie interstellar was a great story for this very reason
here: https://www.rollitup.org/t/interstellar-2014.850935/


Well-Known Member
the implications of losing half the population are both favorable and prudent. pretty fukt up line of thought right? but this entire thread actually backs that statement as the only logical solution. i remember some college grade nihilists from germany spouting something very similar


Well-Known Member

The fact is we are 7 plus billion people on a ship speeding thru space(on the same O'road)
heading to 9 billion in the next 10-15? years, and unless you all want to live like those in current day Bangladesh
something has to be done in the immediate turn nature has 'giving' us Ebola but civilized man put an end to that,
but has shown us only how vulnerable 'we' are ...so whats next



Well-Known Member

The fact is we are 7 plus billion people on a ship speeding thru space(on the same O'road)
heading to 9 billion in the next 10-15? years, and unless you all want to live like those in current day Bangladesh
something has to be done in the immediate turn nature has 'giving' us Ebola but civilized man put an end to that,
but has shown us only how vulnerable 'we' are ...so whats next

The problem is who goes?

If you suggest it be decided by merit, or lack there of, you're called a racist.


Well-Known Member

The fact is we are 7 plus billion people on a ship speeding thru space(on the same O'road)
heading to 9 billion in the next 10-15? years, and unless you all want to live like those in current day Bangladesh
something has to be done in the immediate turn nature has 'giving' us Ebola but civilized man put an end to that,
but has shown us only how vulnerable 'we' are ...so whats next

You don't know what you're talking about

The problem is not resources, the problem is allocation of those resources which is exacerbated by corruption and crony capitalism

The Earth is fucking huge, it could support many times the current population of the planet if it weren't for greedy businessmen stealing lives to make a buck


Well-Known Member
You don't know what you're talking about

The problem is not resources, the problem is allocation of those resources which is exacerbated by corruption and crony capitalism

The Earth is fucking huge, it could support many times the current population of the planet if it weren't for greedy businessmen stealing lives to make a buck
it could support that even with greedy businessmen in the mix.