Emergency Lighting ideas


Well-Known Member
Every year about this time, we get windy days. Branches get blown down nd the power goes out in the neighborhood for up to several hours. It could always be worse, of course, but, since it's kinda windy today, I got to thinking about what I would do if I was in the middle of a "lights ON" period in flower, and the lights went out. The most obvious answer is to get a generator. Eventually, when I find the generator I want, that's what I will do. In the meantime, I was thinking about something like this:

What do you think?
Since a generator/ back up system would be optimal- that “ lamp “ would be severely underpowered for flower - it rides a level close to a 100 watt bulb at 2200 lumens.
Battery on high setting is noted at 4-5 hours.

So how would that be long enough for a full flower cycle ? , especially if it needs recharge .

Look at chart to see equivalent light to that “ lamp “.

do you have like 20+ 18V batteries ready to go?

these threads pop up all the time. The general consensus will be “waste of your time and money, the plants will be fine without light for a few days. What you really should be concerned about is a way to not let your room go stale creating a PM nightmare. “

those 18V fans are a better investment.
I wasn't really intending to replace a real light -just something that would suffice for up to several hours....just to keep the plant "knowing" that there is SOME light coming in to keep it in it's cycle. I know they are underpowered. But...would they be good enough in a pinch for a few hours?
Off grid solar?

I'm going to get a 10kw hybrid solar system because electricity is about equivalent to 50cents a kwh at the moment and set to likely double next year.
My neighbor went with solar water heating. Way more savings for him than solar electricity.
His place has radiant in the floors though.
I have two battery operated fans for this purpose. The RH skyrockets inside a tent from the moment power goes out. For a normal outage, it doesn't really matter-but if it's a windstorm type situation and you KNOW it will be out for longer than normal, keeping some air circulation going inside the tent will help a lot with bud rot/PM prevention. If my plants are in flower, I get those fans going asap in there.
Hybrid inverter generator is probably the best way to go. Be prepared to spend 1200-5k for a good honda though, depending on how big your grow is. You can double up on the smaller ones to keep the noise to a minimum. Good for sensitive equipment you care about.

Personally, I would worry more about hydroponics/pumps, and just rely on a large UPS backup to keep the systems running if anything. Plants can go a few days without intense light.

I got big noisy generators, and could even hook a transfer switch system up to my grow panel with auto start functions, but they are pretty quick at restoring service around here. I even got low hour 5-6kw gensets from older motor homes too, that I could use as dedicated emergency grow power plants.

Not everyone has the space I know, but you could turn an old junk car that still runs into a powerful high output inverter generator. Literally turn a "honda accord" into a high quality DIY generator, that barely makes noise as it idles away, for much less than a small portable one.
I can't wait to wheel and deal my way into a truckload of lifepo4 batteries. I'm gonna build 2 smaller utility trailers, that each have a large bank of batteries, and 4-5 different kinds of onboard generators for backup. I want to be able to keep one plugged in to the grid, while I have the other one plugged into my off grid house on the other side of the property.

Just keep swapping the trailers (I even have extra rigs for each trailer, so I don't have to unhook them, lol) when the batteries run low.
Hybrid inverter generator is probably the best way to go. Be prepared to spend 1200-5k for a good honda though, depending on how big your grow is. You can double up on the smaller ones to keep the noise to a minimum. Good for sensitive equipment you care about.

Personally, I would worry more about hydroponics/pumps, and just rely on a large UPS backup to keep the systems running if anything. Plants can go a few days without intense light.

I got big noisy generators, and could even hook a transfer switch system up to my grow panel with auto start functions, but they are pretty quick at restoring service around here. I even got low hour 5-6kw gensets from older motor homes too, that I could use as dedicated emergency grow power plants.

Not everyone has the space I know, but you could turn an old junk car that still runs into a powerful high output inverter generator. Literally turn a "honda accord" into a high quality DIY generator, that barely makes noise as it idles away, for much less than a small portable one.
The harbor freight/predator ones are actually really awesome. One of the only good things they make. Lower price and more power.