emergancy please HELP!


Active Member
hi , ok i have a serious problem.
a friend of mine has an outdoor grow that has just been raided by thieves,
there where 6 plants all in their 6 week of flowering the heads have been ripped off along with the second layer of buds there is no clean cuts its all ripped off branches is there anything we could do to keep them alive and boost the remaining buds

thanks in advance for any help offered


Well-Known Member
Well, that sux. Since it was so late into flowering, the plants prob have reached the end of their life cycle so there prob will be no more small buds develop. What strain were they? Sativa, Indie or mix? Sativa usually has a longer flowering phase so its possible with a sativa that they may bud a small amount before the end but I wouldn't keep my hopes up.. you could, just for kicks, try adding some molasses (2Tblspoons/gallon) and it may boost the plant into a final 'last gasp' of bud development but its just too bad that they were so late into flowering when they were 'harvested' (or so the plant thinks anyway).. :(


Active Member
hi and thnx for your reply there was 2 strains in there 3 cali orange and 3 only known as shitfaced thats all we know about them i will suggest the molasses to my m8 and hopefully the remaining buds will grow a little


Active Member
alright yall this sucks i have some young plants(just started like 1 week) and i noticed the white spots on my leaves. which i know is spider mites, now ive spotted some of them. ive heard they dont like moisture. im already using fluro so its not hot. how do i get rid of these aggarvating bugs. i mean i want to clean my closet again but i wanna get rid of them first so itll do good.