Electrical question... Running sub panel to grow room


Well-Known Member
so I am completly finishing the room in my basement that I am using as my grow room. I have just kind been jerry rigging it for a year now, and so its time to do it right..
Anyways, I want to run a sub panel to my grow room, or atleast somewhere in my basement, as I plan on finishing the rest of the basement later on.. Now it is almost impossible for me to run a new wire from my electrical box into my basement, so my question is this.... I already have a 6 gauge wire running to my furnace / AC, so can I just use that wire to run to my sub panel, then run a new wire from the sub panel to the furnace?
then I would be running two 20 amp circuits to the grow room for 2 1k lights, and I have a 15amp already in there that will run a couple fans. I would also like to make sure I can run another 20 amp circuit and atleast 2 more 15 amp lines from my sub panel to the rest of the basement for when I finish the rest of it out.

My next question, if I can do that, I am guessing I should upgrade the current 220 breaker to a higher level, and if so what should I upgrade that to, in order to run all that I need from the Sub Panel..

So in my scenario I would cut the wire running to my furnace to use it for a sub panel.. coming off the subpanel would be the new line for the furnace / AC, a total of 3 20 amp circuits, and 2 15 amp circuits.

If this works man would it save me some time drilling in walls and snaking wire through tomorrow!