...i got 6x 600 watts...from wat i remember when i looked into it is 1 light per socket...but i blieve u can have 2x600watts of one socket....so in your case id stick to 1 socket...aswell it all depends wat circuit theyr runnin off....ul need to check ur breaker box and turn evrythin off and back on one by one and c which sockets are runnin on wat ....iv heard alot of stuff about it and nothing definitive...thats why i got a contacter box...i think they do a 4 way one for about 80 pounds uk...otherwise if u onli got one socket in ur room ul have to get xtension leads from other areas of the house.....tbh...theres alot of threads on this so id do a search and read up....dont take my word for it...its just what i know so far...still learnin this shit..