Electric bills and wattage


Active Member
I'ma about a average grower, high knowledge in the plant and techniques I'm just worried about what to do about the electric bill. I know thats what Mr. johnny5's been crcken down on us here down south because of people's electric bill from too high of wattage.I also know about the LED thing and from other friends testimonials says it sucks...but its good on the electric bill to not get caught. I remeber talking to a buddy and him telling me jorge cervantes does a bit on how to by pass that. I'm not an idiot I know its still electricity beeing used and I've heard of stealing peoples electric lol which is just asking to get busted or just do somthing smaller but I was looking for some ideas to work with when I move outta where I'm living. would it make a difference if I used MH or HPS HELP!


Active Member
I heard that the lighting depends on how many plants ur growing. I think that a 150 watt HPS will grow maybe 1 or 2 plants. I heard that HPS is for flowering and MH is for vegging. but there are kits where you can be both bulbs and its supposed to be better
I also am having worries about electricity, but I DONT pay the bill so I have to have some kinda setup that doesnt use so much watts

Anyone know how much power a 400 watt Dual HPS/MH will burn?


Well-Known Member
Or you could invest in one of those quiet generators and use that to eliminate some of the power costs that show up on your bill?
A regular small, 3-4 plant set-up shouldn't burn as much as a space heater on half power.


Active Member
Or you could invest in one of those quiet generators and use that to eliminate some of the power costs that show up on your bill?
A regular small, 3-4 plant set-up shouldn't burn as much as a space heater on half power.


well if you think about it a TV runs about 400 watts so if you leave your TV on all day or run a light all day it is about the same thing look around your house for different appliances to compare wattages maybe it will help you understand howmuch you can get away with. i'm sure an airconditioner is a lot more than that


Well-Known Member
Basically joking. I think some grow using generators, and I think the newer generations are pretty quiet? I guess most run on fossil fuels. just a silly way to lower electric bill idea.


Well-Known Member
i having the same prob as you in south. i have 400 eatt hps and the fans and timers and air stones. i thinking of buying a digi ballast and a t5. the digi they say saves money! I made the stupid mistake of spending 30 bucks on a 150 hps fo rthe mothers. sucks the price was right but the bill will be hi. that like 200 extra watts! peeps tell me not to worry just pay bill but with me already at my baseline with 3 cfls and 1 400 and the accompanying fans i a little woried i have a 1 bed room apt.


Well-Known Member
I was intrested in this to so I did some research of my own. Again, this is just my own research and opinions.

I'm running a CFL setup with a combined total of about 300 Watts of CFLs for 2 plants and I was worried that my electric bill would show up. I checked my air conditiner and it runs 1800 Watts, and that eliminited all paranoia I had. My lights could easily just be an air conditiner going on and off.

If you're on a large scale operation, you may have somthing to worry about, as of now you got nothing.