eh... just lost now... leaf issue


Active Member
well my little sprout in in the aero garden the two round leaves fell off and it had grown two small pointy ones keep in mind this plant pointy leaves are still smaller then the round leaves that start the plant to give u a size factor first they started to curl down tho i notice 2 more pointy *aka fan leaves are coming yet still vry small* my plant ish still the same size and the two pointy leaves while curling down in the last oh 24 hrs or so are now completely orange/brown and it seems to be dying im not sure im thinking mabye im over watering the roots the aero garden water keeps the roots wet most of the day so should i consider shutting the pumps off for a day or so? or possibly another reason they dont look burnt tho im not sure what to do try and help me before its too late thanks!

id put pictures but i dont have a camera decent enough to show u the problem >.< sry


Well-Known Member
you need to do some more research first cause if you think turning off the air pump will help your already lost ...........dont get mad now,...........just learn before asking a ? then saying something like ill just turn it off and then see what happens cause thats what it needs if it didnt why would they have set it up that way in the first place ,...also did you notice 50 ppl looked at your question and didnt answer ?