Egypt - this made me smile endlessly =D


Active Member
:!:The army said in a statement carried on Egyptian media: "To the great people of Egypt, your armed forces, acknowledging the legitimate rights of the people... have not and will not use force against the Egyptian people.":clap::clap::clap:


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That hasn't stopped the Egyptian police forces. There are reports of beatings, shootings, incarceration and torture.

After deadly clashes in which around 125 people were killed in Cairo and other cities, protesters complained that police were using excessive force.
Direct quote from Al Jazeera.


Active Member
That hasn't stopped the Egyptian police forces. There are reports of beatings, shootings, incarceration and torture.
yeah i know , not nice at all , but i was worried for the crowds , i was not sure if they where on standby from the "dictators" orders, it was refreshing to hear....tomorrow they plan a march of 1million people or so....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well now that the army has made it's declaration I'm sure the police force will stop being stupid. Would that same could be said for U.S. police agencies.


Well-Known Member
I just hope OBAMA doesnt try to uh how do you say it.....HELP em out with the ARMY...........I wish Texas would secede from the Union.


Well-Known Member
Cameron probably already is.

The UK government disappoints me hugely. Another subject tho' :P.

Nice to see their army is being sensible though. I was starting to think this was getting similar to Robert Mugabe clinging on to power.


yeah cameron is with clegg up camerons arse... but yeah another topic, i hope they sort shit out though, with as little violence, too much blood been spilt already.


Active Member
ya man, I thought this was gonna be over after their pres. stepped down. but I wake up to flying molotov cocktails, and hooligans with clubs on camels beating protesters


Well-Known Member
ya man, I thought this was gonna be over after their pres. stepped down. but I wake up to flying molotov cocktails, and hooligans with clubs on camels beating protesters
the pres went on TV yesterday and said he'd step down in 7 months and not until he set up a new group of leaders. :shock:

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
That hasn't stopped the Egyptian police forces. There are reports of beatings, shootings, incarceration and torture.

Direct quote from Al Jazeera.
This means that the military is under the control of the shadow group that has sparked the regime shift and the police is just loyal to whoever pays them.


Well-Known Member
the pres went on TV yesterday and said he'd step down in 7 months and not until he set up a new group of leaders. :shock:
yeah that's just what the people of egypt want.... the douchebag they hate to setup 'new' leaders for them...lmfao.

this dumb fuck needs to get with the memo, his whole country is in protest.. its time to suck up that pride and step the fuck down.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
yeah that's just what the people of egypt want.... the douchebag they hate to setup 'new' leaders for them...lmfao.

this dumb fuck needs to get with the memo, his whole country is in protest.. its time to suck up that pride and step the fuck down.
Maybe he'll be an awesome guy and do what I've always wanted to see, a complete write-in election for president. :)


Active Member
the dudes power hungry

never never gonna givayou up, iiim never ever gonna stop

I'm never ever gonna quit, cause, quitin just aint my schtick

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
the dudes power hungry

never never gonna givayou up, iiim never ever gonna stop

I'm never ever gonna quit, cause, quitin just aint my schtick
Barry White? I first thought Rick Astley, then thought Barry White, but upon further inspection I saw something called Cake. Please tell me it's Barry White. :(