Effects of THC on the Brain


Well-Known Member
Psychol Med. 2010 Mar;40(3):383-98. Epub 2009 Jul 23.
Neuroimaging in cannabis use: a systematic review of the literature.

Martín-Santos R, Fagundo AB, Crippa JA, Atakan Z, Bhattacharyya S, Allen P, Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, Seal M, Busatto GF, McGuire P.

Section of Neuroimaging, PO67 Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK. [email protected]



We conducted a systematic review to assess the evidence for specific effects of cannabis on brain structure and function. The review focuses on the cognitive changes associated with acute and chronic use of the drug.

We reviewed literature reporting neuroimaging studies of chronic or acute cannabis use published up until January 2009. The search was conducted using Medline, EMBASE, LILACS and PsycLIT indexing services using the following key words: cannabis, marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, cannabidiol, CBD, neuroimaging, brain imaging, computerized tomography, CT, magnetic resonance, MRI, single photon emission tomography, SPECT, functional magnetic resonance, fMRI, positron emission tomography, PET, diffusion tensor MRI, DTI-MRI, MRS and spectroscopy.

Sixty-six studies were identified, of which 41 met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-three were functional (SPECT/PET/fMRI) and eight structural (volumetric/DTI) imaging studies. The high degree of heterogeneity across studies precluded a meta-analysis. The functional studies suggest that resting global and prefrontal blood flow are lower in cannabis users than in controls. The results from the activation studies using a cognitive task are inconsistent because of the heterogeneity of the methods used. Studies of acute administration of THC or marijuana report increased resting activity and activation of the frontal and anterior cingulate cortex during cognitive tasks. Only three of the structural imaging studies found differences between users and controls.

Functional neuroimaging studies suggest a modulation of global and prefrontal metabolism both during the resting state and after the administration of THC/marijuana cigarettes. Minimal evidence of major effects of cannabis on brain structure has been reported.

Smoke on...:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
that study seems like it was aimed to find something bad about cannabis... you can tell just by the goal in the beginning, they wanted to find cognitive 'changes' which means they were looking for dis-atvantages.... they found lower blood flow in certain parts of the brain with cannabis users but not enough to conclude that it does this to everyone...this is NOT a good study... this is a good example of how bad shit gets brought up about cannabis...studies like this, as the people behind them....
Remember the beginning of the movie Pineapple Express?That was Americas scientist testing of the effects of weed at its finest back in the day,designed to fail.But it was nonetheless funier than sh$#t!