Ecothrive & Indoor Organics Eco-Life Question

Hi so at the moment I’m currently in a 1.5 x 1.5 tent with two 600 watt leds growing in 5 gallon pots in coco. I’m looking at changing how I grow and come across eco life living soil, the problem I’m coming up against is they suggest using 45L of soil in a 15 gallon pot and 4 pots in a m2 tent, My two plants in 5 gallon pots take up most of the tent, so I’m struggling to see how I could fit even two 15 gallon pots into my tent.
1.5 X 1.5 meters? If that's the case, I'm not sure why you can't fit more soil in there. A soil bed the size of your tent and 10" deep can hold 604 gallons. Am I missing something?
High, I changed to organic living soil 6 months ago, and, wow! I finish my girls in 2-3 gallon nursery pots with no issues. Water only, a floral tea every 3 weeks in flower, easy. Unless you plan on doing no-till method, 3 gallons should be sufficient.
Bigger the pot the better. Or easier I should say. Spreads out the available nutrient waiting game so you can have proper nutrition without any additives or teas even. 7 g min for me. Snd that’s a short 10-14 day veg.
30 gallons would be about double veg time 30 days or so.
1.5 X 1.5 meters? If that's the case, I'm not sure why you can't fit more soil in there. A soil bed the size of your tent and 10" deep can hold 604 gallons. Am I missing something?
Yeah 1.5 meters and It’s more the space for the plants my two atm are taking up basically the whole tent, and I like to have a little space around them
High, I changed to organic living soil 6 months ago, and, wow! I finish my girls in 2-3 gallon nursery pots with no issues. Water only, a floral tea every 3 weeks in flower, easy. Unless you plan on doing no-till method, 3 gallons should be sufficient.
Hi what brand soil do you use?
I have been making the 'Revs' TLO super soil recipe, must be cooked for 30 days before use. Preparation is the real work, after that just water. There are quite a few styles to choose from and good tips from the growers using them. Whatever method you choose, if you stick with it for a few grows, it should give you a good idea of what you can expect. Good growing...
Yeah 1.5 meters and It’s more the space for the plants my two atm are taking up basically the whole tent, and I like to have a little space around them

Perhaps then you might consider growing smaller plants if that's what you want? Just turn the lights to 12/12 earlier in their veg.