Ec meters / wands....please help...?

The Beast

Hi guys.... am pretty new to all this so am after a bit of help regarding products and which are the best brands that are gonna last....?
I'm after an EC meter / Wand as i am changing the way i do things and trying to be more serious so i have decided that i need one of these but there are so many out there.... some much more expensive than others...! So i have turned to you guys for some well needed advice so that i'm not just throwing my money away on rubbish...!

Thanks in advance for any help given.... :clap::clap::clap:

Short Bus

Active Member
Oh my stars and garters! Milwaukee makes some pretty affordable meters, also reliable, if you're just after a little handheld. I'd say hit eBay or Amazon and check out the product reviews from folks that have already bought one, that always helps me.