Ebb and Flow


Active Member
Hey does anyone have a link to a hydroponics site where I can buy a complete Ebb and Flow system? i am looking for a 3*3 system.. thanks a loit of anyone can point me in the right direction. I have had no look searching around google.



Well-Known Member
Hey does anyone have a link to a hydroponics site where I can buy a complete Ebb and Flow system? i am looking for a 3*3 system.. thanks a loit of anyone can point me in the right direction. I have had no look searching around google.

Just do Google search on Ebb & Flow and hundreds of sites will pop up.

You should just research on what it takes to build one, and just buy the parts seperately.

All you need is:

20 gallon plastic tub
A plastic planter tray
A water pump
An air pump and air stone
Some 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch tubing
2 drain nozzles

Voila - an Ebb-n-Flow system

I could build one for less than $50.....If you were to buy a kit, God knows how much it'll be........probably $300 - $400


Active Member
I have also looked into building one, but since I've never attempted hyro before I don't want to fuck of my first go by messing up a measurement or god knows what else. I am still considering building one but I would like to find a good step by step picture tutorial before I attempt it.

Well thanks for your post and yea I'm just going to keep reading and build one myself. 2*4 seems to be a more standard size then 3*3, should I go with those dimensions instead, I guess I would only be losing 1 square foot. 4 of those trays would fit nicely under 2 1000watt HPS.

Thanks for the reply and sorry if this post doesnt make much sense. I was just kind of thinking and typing at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Get a 4x4 or 4x8 table.

a 4x4 table is perfectly illuminated by a 600 watter or 1000 watter.

you could actually light a whole 4x8 with a single 1000.


Well-Known Member
Yep i used my 1000 watter with my 2x4 tray and the light coverage was tits man, but i think 2 1000 watt lights is a bit over kill, you will be fighting that heat, trust me.