Ebb and flow flood level?


Active Member
Hi all,

I am using a home made ebb and flow system. I have 2 pots in the grow tray and each pot is filled with Hydroton. Towards the top of the pot I have a small cube of rockwool which I used for the germinated seeds.

My question really is how high should the pots be flooded to?

I ask, because I was advised that Hydroton is ideal for the ebb and flow system due to it's porous qualities and the fact that the tray is flooding on a regular basis (every 8 hours I was advised). My concern is that if the rockwool cube is getting completely flooded it will just hold water and the roots will constantly be in water and get root rot. I could lower the drainage pipe to the point where only the roots that have come through the bottom of the rockwool are getting water but I'm concerned that the top half of the roots in the rockwool will then get nothing.

It seems to be that with a medium like rockwool and an ebb and flow system, it's all or nothing wheh it comes to water, and I have no idea which one it should be.

Can anyone provide some practical advice?