eazy clone 60 site cloning machine


Well-Known Member
they work great, are simple to use and have a almost 100% success rate. i highly recommend them. after you set it up you can go for weeks without touching it. you have to use the same inserts, they are easy to find on ebay.


Well-Known Member
well i dont know what you are gonna do with 98 clones, thats a little bit much dont ya think? i have the easy clone 30 site and a 36 site aeroflo2 and thats more than enough for me and i cant really see where youd sell that much or smoke that much that youd need 96 clones at a time. Oh but yeah they are for sure worth it so good luck


Well-Known Member
i have a triple indoor grow room and my greenhouse will need 100 2 foot sog style plants march/april ....


Well-Known Member
well then go for it, i dont know about that 98 though, it didnt look like it was of the best quality. Looked kinda homemade, they have the easy clone in a 120 site.


Well-Known Member
so u think its worth the extra money to spring for the easy clone unit?
im still on the fence
i have until about jan 1st to make a decision .......thats when i start cloning for the 100 sog plants for the spring greenhouse run


Well-Known Member
well i know it works because i have the 30 site and yeah i think in the end itd be worth it because its pretty much 100% succesful. With all the pot youre growing there should be considerable profit involved so 140 bucks shouldnt be much to worry about when alls said and done


Well-Known Member
i made a 30 site and am having great results.

1 x 3-4 gallon rubbermaid container
1 dual outlet air pump
4 x 6" airstones
8' 1/4" airline
2 1/4" "T's"
1 aquarium heater
1 tube aquarium silicone
4' of 1/2" o.d. clear tube
1 brick or stone cut to fit bottom of container.

take silicone and secure airstones to stone for bottom of container. I found attaching airstones directly to container does not work as it will flex with the weight of water in it. Drill 30 x 1/2" holes or amount desired ( container size will determine #'s) in lid. Cut 1/2" cleartube into 1" to 1&1/2" lengths. Insert these into holes in lid( these will support cuttings and make heigth from solution adjustable). Place "T's" in between 2 sets of airstones and then connect these to airpump. Place aquarium heater and stones in container and your ready to rock. Some people add a "Gang Valve" to adjust air flow.
Remember, all you need for a bubbler cloner to work is bubbles breaking through the surface of the solution to create a fine mist on the cuttings.

You can find everthing you need at wallmart or similar store for under 50 bucks and it takes less than an hour to make.
Im having about 90% success WITHOUT using a dome. I am using Vitagrow AntiWilt spray when i take my cuttings.



Well-Known Member
ur clones look worse than mine......no offense please
im going with the real unit i think....another investment


Well-Known Member
those are picture of a friends clones from his outdoor crop from a couple plants he wanted to get some babies from. They took along time to reveg and recover from being almost done. those cuttings were taken in september here in CA. I was actually amazed they took at all. I wish I had pics of MY cuttings, you would change your mind. Heres a pic of my babies after 2 month from cuttings, those are 10 gallon pots to give you a little size reference.


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
I have a question about the EZ cloner that might seem dumb, but you can place the cutting from the EZ clone into soil? I bought a 30 sie EZ clone and didn't think about it. It seems you can put it in soil as I don't do hydro and don't want to either.

thanks for any responses. I am think you can put them in soil, but would like to hear from a current owner.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
thanks potpimp. i would +rep you but this fucking thing isn't working. will get at you later. anyways, thanks for the info and love Floyd and nice fuckin sig.



Well-Known Member
i would say its a waste of money...make ur own set up for way cheaper and use the rest of the money to add to diff parts of ur grow..