Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2) First Grow. CFL. Under floorboard Grow. *Pictures*


Active Member
2 x blue 65w CFL
2 x red 65w CFL
2 x daylight 20w CFL
1 x 15w UV strip light
BioBizz Nutes-Grow, Bloom and Root Juice.
1 x greenhouse fan/extractor
1 x carbon filter
1 x normal house fan
1 x homemade reflector
Digital temp
Ph, Soil moisture and light indicator

This is my first grow and I am growing 5 fem Easy Ryder's under CFL's under the floorboards in my room. I have made a good reflector and put reflective foil on the whole grow area and I have the 2 blue 65w CFL's on the plants for the veg stage. Then ill move onto the red CFL's im still getting stuff for the grow as im short on money and im getting stuff as it comes. If you have any Tips I'll be grateful as I said im a first time grower. I also want to know what you think of my setup. BTW they are about 3 days from first sprouting.


Well-Known Member
Under the floor boards eh? I'd have to say thats rlly neat. Umm what is the dimensions of your growing area? It just seems you might run into a little bit of a height issue later on. But it will be a little while before you will have to worry about that. Good job


Active Member
Yeah well it goes under my whole room and i dug quite a lot out so I have and area that is about 1.5 meters tall.
And Easyr Ryders dont grow fairly high


Active Member
Update on the plants, they are about 7 days from sprouting. looking healthy leaves are getting nice and big.


Active Member
sweet idea. id never think to go under the floor. on another note you might as well throw out that UV light. itll just be unnecessary heat for zero growth light


Active Member
I might just use it to boost the heat whan they get bigger, because there are vents leading to the outside so ther is nice clean fresh air.

Also I read up that using UV lights in the flowering stage boosts the buds size abit and boosts the production of THC in the plant?
Not sure if its correct, if not i'll just use my greenhouse fan as it have a temperature setting aswell


Well-Known Member
O i see. 1.5 meters, u should be fine. Most autoflowering strains only get a 1-2 feet tall. My friend grew the old-style Lowryder auto, and it was just over a foot tall. His grow was kinda neat, he never shut his lights off. He just left them on 24/7; because it is an autoflowering strain its genetics tell it to flower at a certain size(not exactly sure how it works) so it flowered anyway. And a very nice and tight plant it was. But he added too many nutes when it was in flower instead of not giving it any for the last week and a half, and it ended up tasting rlly harsh. I am thinking about ordering a whole bunch of auto flowering strains for my outdoor grow this year through speedyseedz. O, and your babies are lookin nice too.


Active Member
Yeah thanks alot, ill keep an eye on the nutes, I want a nice smoke from them. Mine are on 19/5 from about 18/6 to 24/0 yield ect. is not effected, I need a short break for the lights to cool down, Ive ordered some BioBizz Root Juice becasue I heard autoflowring plant love this, anyone got any tips ect.

Ill keep posted with pictures!!


Active Member
Yeah most of the reflective material I used are emergency blankets that are doubled over, just as good as the stuff you buy.
I only used foil on the floor as it was handy for me.
There is a small draft and it is a large space under there as it goes under my whole house, it is all air tight to the house so thats no problem, And my dad is a gerdener/landscaper so hes always putting stinky shit on the garden

Ill plug in a few air purifiers and ive made a carbon filter for my fan, should be all fine though!



I grew a Roadrunner autoflower. Grew about 12 inches tall (not including the pot). I had no idea when I planted the seed it was an autoflower until it started flowering. I left it on 16/8 and it took 10 weeks from seed until I harvested it and it yeilded 25 grams. The product is sticky with resin, smokes sweet, buds are not compact, but seems to have done just fine. Google autoflowering plants and see how you interpet your findings. I really had no idea and mine turned out great!~ (free seed!).


Active Member
no shit. tats a good idea. i gotta tell you, when you said under floorboard, i was picturin you goin down the road in a lowrider wit the babies strapd to the bottom of your car. lol. tis way looks so much more effective!! how far along are they now?


Active Member
They are only 6 days from sprouting in the picture , getting some nice leaf production in 4 of them.
There is a midget tho that I named Jonty, hes not the biggest of plants, about 1/3 the size of the others, ill see if he speeds up if not i might just make a bit of hash out of him.

Loving my first grow, Cant wait!
P240410_14.340001.jpgP240410_14.340002.jpgPicture is of the biggest plant and the runt named Jonty.
Yo man nice grow i currently have 6 females that are about 1.5 weeks into flowering and taking off i also started 16 about a week ago aswell so i will be compareing my to yours for everything just remember no nutes untill around dat 21


Active Member
Kk nice man, Have you got a your grow on here?

Also what dose everyone think of the amount of light my plants are getting at the moment there are 2 65w blue CFL's on them.
When they get to the flowering stage im putting in 2 red 65w CFL's, would putting in 2 red 85w CFL's increase the yield of theplant insted of the 65w ones. I haventy ordered the lights yet but im thinking about upping the Wattage

What dose everyone think? Give me some advice, cheers.