Easy access soils


Active Member
What are some soils that you can easily find? I live in a small town so nothing real local to me but farm stores and DIY stores. There is a Home Depot close to my shop where I work in a bigger city anything worthy there? I was going to use FFOF but can't find any close to me and its not worth a long drive to get it.


Well-Known Member
My mix:
Earthgrow Potting Soil (cheap shit without time release nutes) from Ace Hardware
Perlite from Farm supply place
Vermiculite from farm supply
Peat Moss - Home Depot
Dolomite Lime - any of the above

Roughly equal parts of all but the lime. It goes in about 2T per gallon of the rest.

Rural areas are actually better. The farm supply places rock - big bags for cheap.

You could also look into ProMix. Farm supply probably has it as well...


Active Member
I have thought about ordering but hate relying on something to be shipped when I need it ASAP. Prefer to be able to go pick it up. For the Lime what do you mean by 2T I think of 2 tons when I see that lol and I know that isn't right.