Eastcoast starting early!!!

Hey guys, havent been on the forums in a while to keep up to date with stuff, but my question here is im tired of

waiting around for spring (eastcoast weather) maryland, i have a abundance of seeds i aquired over time and my

question to you fellas is would i be able to start seeds now in this weather? its been 30-40degrees out sunny some

days on and off.. and i know MJ is a versatile plant when it comes to surviving the cold. My plan is to germ 1-5,

keep them indoors for maybe 1week or 2, then put them outside full time for a long nice veg? would this be okay

(maintaining the cold,sunlight etc) Thanks in advance!!! will start a journal when I start


Active Member
if it freezes for one night they will all die....
if your sure that isn't a problem...you can...but
plants will grow really slow as the sun is weak in winter plus the cold...
lots of rain will also make problems....(mold/PM)
i used to put them outside on march1st ...but the plants would start to flower,then go back veg as the seasons change...
now i put them outside april 15 ....i like to veg indoor for like 6-8 weeks in coco from clones...makes monsters...

i'm on the west coast Latitude: 37ish

good luck wannab...
Thanks.. i have another post about this that got multiple replys that were helpful.. basically i either start them indoors under CFLS till climates get a bit better around here. OR i wait 2 more months ( april ) and start them then :( buzzzzkillllll


Active Member
thats not that bad. im gonna start a few plants inside this year and get them outside myself. and Maryland is shore having some crazy weather i hope i can get some plants out there soon too.
i live n md too.i also have put 20 seedlings outside in mid march all my plants are doing great and are 2 feet tall.my questions is when should i expect to harvest.also sence i started early as hell will i incounter any problems later down the road.