earth worm castings & cloning?


Active Member
has anyone used worm castings for cloning? i have read plenty of cloning methods but never came across anything about it. i usually take my cuttings & use the rooting powder in rockwool. just recently i was thinking of using a mix of earth worm castings & perlite. what does everyone think. thanks in advance for any input
Using just worm castings and perlite would probably work, but I imagine it might get too hot. It would be better to mix your castings with something like Fox Farm Light Warrior.

I clone directly into my soil mix of Bio Bizz Light Mix, Fox Farm Light Warrior, 1-0-0 castings, 9-3-2 guano, perlite, and mycorrhizae.
i should probably add a pinch of mycorrhizae & soil as well. i dont believe the worm casting are that hot but thanks for the input, i will keep it in mind. the worm castings hold moisture well & thats why i believe they'd be better than rockwool or coco..