earth worm casting

Bey Bearcat, yeah, I mean like if I mix castings in my soil. Im going straight from solo cups to the final pot. Is it better to mix it into thesoil then plant, or will that affect my buds taste Iin a negative way?
Also, I have two week old seedlings in cups just entering veg. No castings in the soil. Just HAPPY frog cut with seed starter soil. Can I use it on them. If so, how?

Thanks bro
You can actually grow a seed in pure worm castings. I usually just grab a bag of my favorite soil (Roots Organic) and just mix the worm castings with the entire bag. My point is that you can technically add worm castings at any time without detriment to your plants. Personally I wouldn't worry about adding it to my seedlings. they'll be fine without. Just have it mixed and ready when you transplant.
Thanks bear cat.I have 48 quarts of soil. I have 4 pounds of pure earth worm casting. How much would you suggest Iix into the soil? All of it?
I do the same with my happy frog. I mix one bag of soil builders EWC. I heard its good to get several different Types for a broader spectrum so i add EWC compost then strait EWC and then even a another brand. I love worm doo doo. hard to burn your plant. Actually I dont think you can ever add too much. Plus it makes great AACT with a little molasses in there. Smells good enough to drink.
Anzohaze, Rockindaganja
Thanks bros! I appreciate it. This is my first grow using ewc. I only have 5 grows to my name. This time though, I've got some awesome genetics. I wanna do my best for them, ya know
Anzohaze, Rockindaganja
Thanks bros! I appreciate it. This is my first grow using ewc. I only have 5 grows to my name. This time though, I've got some awesome genetics. I wanna do my best for them, ya know
Go check out the no till thread especially first few pages. add some dolomite lime or oyster shell flour to help buffer the soil pH. And then look into amendments for soil. Brewing teas etc to help in octets the soil with microbes.
Will do sir.
Thanks Anzohaze!

I have my soil buffered already with d lime. Will adding ewc mess with my ph? I got it in a nice spot at 6.2. Don't wanna mess that up
Yo, Anzo
I just read the no till thread. Thanks for the direction. That is awesome. I like everything he said. Lots I don't know yet.