Early (unfortunate) harvest...


Active Member
Ok people, my first grow needs to come to an end. I'm moving halfway across the country on the 7th so I want to harvest today/tomorrow so I can have them in jars for the move. However, I know they're not ready. When I started, I thought for sure they'd be done by this time, but they've grown a bit slow (lack of light at first). Anyway, it's week 11 of flowering, and I have 90% cloudy trichs, 10% clear. It's bagseed, but appears QUITE sativa. I'm just wondering what the final product will be like? I wish I didn't have to harvest now...I feel like I'm wasting 3 months work. But, I've exhuasted other possibilities. Any input on what kind of high I'll get? Help please guys.

And btw, this grow was pretty successful overall, thanks to all you folks here. I learned a lot. Thanks.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Cerebrial. Sounds like its time to harvest by the color of the tric's anyways...I hope you've been flushing. If you haven't been flushing already, and your harvesting plan on a harsh smoke. You will have to cure for longer than usual to get the smoke, and taste less harsh. Normally I'd suggest easing the plants off to 25% strength nutrients for a few days then move to just Ph'd water to finish the 2 week flush period, but you probably need to harvest tomorrow to have the buds dry enough to jar for your move without mold becoming an issue. So Ph your water, and just add water today( leave the lights on for a few extra hours longer then normal, so the plant can bring in as much clean water as possible), and leave the lights off all day tomorrow (during lights off the plants stores most of its food in its root system), with the lights still off cut your ladies down (when the lights turn on the nutrients will go back into the plant if it isn't cut prior to lights on), then start to manicure, and dry. To quicken your drying time remove as much of the branches/stems from the buds as possible (lots of water is held within the stems, and branches), and prune off all the fan leaves...leaving the little "sugar" leaves on due to the amount of resin is fine, but I remove them from good genetic strains, and make hash with them. Since so much of the branches are removed use masking tape to secure the stems of the buds to a fishing line so they can dry in a dark room for the next 4-6 days. Make sure the buds are not touching each other while hanging, because mold can occur if they are all over each other.


Active Member
Wow, thanks for the quick response and good advice. Yeah, I've been flushing 10 days in anticipation that today would be my last day before harvest. I hope that's enough. I never thought to remove the bigger stems and branches for a quicker dry, but it makes sense now that you say it. I'll have to do that, since they NEED to be dry by moving day. It's not like I could hang them in the cab of the U-HAUL if they're not...haha. Anyway, thanks again.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Good luck with your move, and glad to hear you've been flushing. When the lights go off tonight unplug them, and cut your baby down after a 12hr dark period...cut it down in the dark.


Well-Known Member
if u drying doesnt happen fast enough tose them in a jar and make sure u burp them as much as u can on the way to wherever ur moving and ull be fine

and by ur description u sound ready to harvest anyways so no worries mate enjoy the move and be stress freeeeee