Early stages of Herm, not sure whats going on.

This room has 7 total, 2 of these 7 (which are the same strain) have just started producing little green banana starts. These are 5 1/2 weeks into flower (see pictures, but hard to tell)

Here is what I don't understand...these two where cloned from another one that is already done and turned out great, how did these two turn? Is it a complete loss or if I chop now would whats there be alright? This is the first time this has happened but its clear these two are not right:-? And it seems to be more on the head flowers than lower flowers, also has fem hairs and no balls that I can find.

Any help appriciated:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
those pics are super blurry and the light gave the pic that yellow bar sort of look over the whole pic. Have you interrupted or changed their light cycles since you started flowering?
Thank you, I will get some ordered, however I don't think I have time, also its so far in now that mold can be an issue with spraying :( .
I think my best bet at this point is to chop, just hesitant.

The light cycle was messed with once due to a timer failer, heat has been a little on the higher side at a couple times but nothing major, its only on the 2 that are the same strain from that same plant also, none others at all.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I will get some ordered, however I don't think I have time, also its so far in now that mold can be an issue with spraying :sad: .

sure you do, lol, just set it in front of a fan or something afterwards and keep your humidity low and constant airflow in the grow area, its not ideal, but it should work, its better than just tossing the plant/s.