Early micronutrient deficiency (Boron?)...


I started some seeds ten days ago. The strains are mostly S.A.G.E and Amnesia Lemon as well as one Rocklock and a Cole Train. These were germinated in straight coir and then planted in a mix consisting of Black Gold Seedling mix, coir and worm castings.
They've been irrigated with a solution containing Huvega, Liquid Karma, Earth Juice Bloom and BioBizz Fish Mix all at about quarter strength. I opted not to add in Earth Juice Microblast those initial waterings, but now all the plants are showing signs of a micro nutrient deficiency as can be seen from the images.
When I first noticed this yesterday I made up a foliar spray with the LK, Huvega, Fish mix, Calplex and the Earth Juice Microblast. I sprayed all of the plants a couple times yesterday evening and also irrigated them with water containing these ingredients. Since then the plants have grown slightly, but the deficiency actually looks a bit more pronounced.
I have the Marijuana Garden Saver Handbook for Healthy Plants, but I still can't be positive exactly which nutrient is lacking, looks to me like it could be boron. I am hoping somebody here can tell me more confidently.
I need to get out and get myself some liquid sea kelp to complete my feeding regimen, but for now I wonder whether I should leave out the other fertilizers and foliar feed with just the Huvega + EJ Micro + LK until the plants are healthier.
I am also curious as to the extent of the damage done, what if any long term effect this might have on growth and how long before I should see things improve.

IMO they look okay in them photo's.

Its hard to get a real gauge on it. I'd be careful using to many nutes this early. Those little suckers can't take much food up and your more like to cause an excess than a shortage.

Again, it's hard to get a proper gauge from the photos sorry.


In another post I was reading someone suggested that new growth would be lighter in color and darken up. I suppose this could be true and I've just never realized it as a normal thing. Whenever seeing it in the past I've always thought of it as a potential deficiency, used the Microblast foliarly and thought I was at least keeping it at bay...
Hopefully I am just worrying a little too much. The cotyledons themselves are still green and in tact and the pH of the run-off is about 6.2...
Although, one of the Amnesia Lemons does have a twisted leaf blade if that is an indicator of anything.