Early Cut


Active Member
Ouch...Had to cut down my girls yesterday for a really good reason. Anyway it is my first grow and want to know what I can do to make up for cutting a few weeks early. I have some huge bud. I probably yielded more than 1 lb. I got it hanging now in a dark room as recommended. Smells great---looks great after trimming. But I hate to think that my first grow is ruined due to an emergency cut.
Ive included some photos. I know there not the best but--Please help...?



Well-Known Member
What do you mean? What do you think you could do, and what are you trying to accomplish? If this is your fist grow then get ready to watch your buds become the incredible shrinking buds.


Well-Known Member
What was the emergancy? mold.........loks like you may have some of that in the first pic 3rd bud. and wht would you like help with? Pick the mold out .....


Active Member
Wow, tough crowd?
Yes it it my first grow so if I mispoke about something then give it a break. I had to cut them down due to overhead activity in the area. Anyway... What I would like help with is the question----Is my first grow ruined, or can I dry and cure it in a way to make up for some of the early cutting?
What was the emergancy? mold.........loks like you may have some of that in the first pic 3rd bud. and wht would you like help with? Pick the mold out .....


Well-Known Member
I doubt that any overhead activity would have picked up something so small.

It will still get you high, but will be disapointing. and as said above your undeveloped buds will shrink to nothing :(

I got over excited on my first grow and cropped 1 way to early.

Making mistakes is part of learning, the more you make the more you learn!

Personaly I would make hash or BHO from it.


Active Member
Thanks monsta...I figured they werent picking up on me for the reason you said. It was just that they were flying in my hood for over 15mins and nerves got to me. The must have made 20 circles and theres really nothing in my area beside homes. It was definitley a state police copter. Anyway---thanks a lot. I have about a pound for now and will try to dry and cure it. It is my first grow so I will chalk this up as experience. I guess it is better to practice now wth this and next year I'll know more. I know you said to just make hash but I want to try. So--Should I dry and cure the same or adjust based on the early cut?
I doubt that any overhead activity would have picked up something so small.

It will still get you high, but will be disapointing. and as said above your undeveloped buds will shrink to nothing :(

I got over excited on my first grow and cropped 1 way to early.

Making mistakes is part of learning, the more you make the more you learn!

Personaly I would make hash or BHO from it.

Buster 420

Active Member
So you got paranoid and chopped. From the pics your lb will turn into less then a qp. I think you'll be dissapointed since they look very premature.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and dry and cure it just like they say, it will still get you buzzed. It will be a very uppity high and it won't last very long. Just make sure next year you address the helicopter problem, there are ways of covering your plants, for example I used a dead tree and propped it up so my plants were growing kinda underneath it. Like this. Not perfect but I would think those pilots are looking for rows and rows of plants, not one or two that are growing under a dead treefall. Seems like they would just scan right past the spot, who knows, maybe they have a mandate to look for small grows as well.



Active Member
Thanks all for the replies. I am really dissapointed but hopefully I have this problem licked next year?
Go ahead and dry and cure it just like they say, it will still get you buzzed. It will be a very uppity high and it won't last very long. Just make sure next year you address the helicopter problem, there are ways of covering your plants, for example I used a dead tree and propped it up so my plants were growing kinda underneath it. Like this. Not perfect but I would think those pilots are looking for rows and rows of plants, not one or two that are growing under a dead treefall. Seems like they would just scan right past the spot, who knows, maybe they have a mandate to look for small grows as well.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
they look for either heat signatures or the specific shade of green that pot plants are if you can hide heat for indoor color for out and never do rows always stagger your plants outside sometimes busts are just random a series of unfortunate events if you will.