Dynamic lifter


Active Member
So recently my first grow(outside) has started to sprout and ive been looking up on plant foods, nutes etc and have decided to go organic with this ;). Scrambling through my dads garage ive come across some 100% natural dynamic lifter and is wondering is how much do i start off with? Ive read the back of the packaging and it has nothing at all about quanities :\. All it says is that it is a great scource of food for your plants (Y):-| which brings me to my next question would this be enough for the plant to have a healthy grow or should i consider using urine as a fert?


Active Member
I've never heard of that brand before, but I would start off with a very low dose. Maybe 1/4 tbsp per gallon water. It's always good to start off low and work your way up. More is not always better! What are the NPK values on that?


Well-Known Member
Personaly I wouldn't use it,not saying it's bad,just processed
Start with a good soil n remember 'feed the soil,not the plant'


Well-Known Member
Start with a good soil n remember 'feed the soil,not the plant'
Words to grow by! If your soil is alive and thriving, your plants will do the same. Think of the soil as the brain of the plant (because it is). If you feed the plant chemical sludge fertilizer than your plant will be "dead" in a sense, not thriving.


Well-Known Member
This is why I can't grow hydro,placing chemicals straight onto roots,bingo bango n off you go.My organic gardens are micro climates unique to my backyard.
Being organic is a life change a big learning curve where the plants come second.


Well-Known Member
Personaly I wouldn't use it,not saying it's bad,just processed
Start with a good soil n remember 'feed the soil,not the plant'
Sorry mate, but that's total rubbish.
Dynamic lifter is organic composted chicken shit with blood and bone.
It's brilliant stuff and I even use it on my indoor grows.
Your plants will love it.
For outdoors I've dug a hole about 30 or 40 cm's deep and poured in kilo or 2.
I know it sounds an insane amount but it works.
Indoors I use 1 cup per 10 litre container (2 gallon)
The only side effect I've ever noticed is explosive growth and great buds.
I've been using it this way for over 20 years now and never had a problem.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cool i was worried that this would nuke my girls
and now im gonna do this
hey any other tips from a dude that knows his shit