Dying tips


Strain - Bagseed
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - aerogarden
Grow Stage - Flowering 4 weeks in
Bucket Size - 1.2 Gallon
Lights - (1) 180w led + cfl
Nutrients - general hydroponics 3 part flora series and calmag as directed
PH - 5.8
RH - 30 - 45%
Room Temperature -65 to 70

Problem: My leaves are curling, rusty spots and the stems are turning purple. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Your nutes were mixed too strong.Labels are incorrect for pot. You have nute burn. Water only for a week or so. There's enough nutes in your medium now to cover that period. Then feed with only a 1/4 strength solution.


Thank you! Since I posted the pics Ive diluted the aerogarden res with straight ph'd water. I wasn't sure about the nute burn at first because this is the first sign of issues with the nute strength. It was perfect from seedling-veg and first 2 weeks of flower with general hydroponics suggested mix ratios.I can't Thank you enough for you're help! Do the buds look ok for the middle of week 4? I know I have to check the trichomes to know when to start flushing, would you be able to give a guess about how many more weeks she has?


That is Symptoms of a Potassium (K) deficiency

Doubt it is a nutrient burn.

Bloom fertilizers usually contain high levels of (K) that should fix it.
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Your vegging for 4 weeks now, like all ready said no nitro in bloom food.
I would not worry much, looks pretty good.
Leaves yellow die off when you flower.
I would say your about half way home from being done.
If your worried flush and remix.


Your vegging for 4 weeks now, like all ready said no nitro in bloom food.
I would not worry much, looks pretty good.
Leaves yellow die off when you flower.
I would say your about half way home from being done.
If your worried flush and remix.
No he's not 4 weeks veg, he's 4 weeks flower


No he's not 4 weeks veg, he's 4 weeks flower and im fairly certain the 1st leaf picture was of a younger leaf (not near the base)
I meant to say 4 weeks flower, I get it, not a big deal 4 weeks into flowering.
I would just check my bloom food levels and ph levels and just run some plain water to flush.
If your worried.

Oh he said he flushed some all ready,
Ha ha the dudes plants are fine.
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Well-Known Member
The tips being burnt are definate nute issues being to hot like hotrodharley said ........the purple can simply be because your temperatures are getting kinda low during lights off / nighttime no big deal


Well-Known Member
I like your avatar pic that's absolutely gorgeous sticky ......love the colors in that ........peace
thanks. I grew that years ago. its grand daddy purple. Stopped growing it because it got burnt out in cali. nobody wants grand daddy. even tho I think I'm going to bring back the purple.


Well-Known Member
thanks. I grew that years ago. its grand daddy purple. Stopped growing it because it got burnt out in cali. nobody wants grand daddy. even tho I think I'm going to bring back the purple.
Yeah that's a killer pic my friend I've looked at it several times definately one of my favorite bud porn pics .....I'm in Cali myself fighting to keep my outdoor girls dry .....losing my mind and sleep last night


:p its cool. I could use more info to actual diagnose this
Strain - Bagseed
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - aerogarden
Grow Stage - Flowering 4 weeks in
Bucket Size - 1.2 Gallon
Lights - (1) 180w led + cfl
Nutrients - general hydroponics 3 part flora series and calmag as directed
PH - 5.8
RH - 30 - 45%
Room Temperature -65 to 70

Problem: My leaves are curling, rusty spots and the stems are turning purple. Any ideas?
You have 2 room problems to address:

Temp: Cannabis grows fastest during the light period when the temperature is kept between 72-77 F.
When CO2 is being used they prefer to be a few degrees warmer, between 79-85F.
Individual varieties differ in there temperature preference.

RH: Cannabis grows best in an environment that is mildly humid: 40-55% RH. Plants grown in a dryer climate may experience wilt.

*Try to make those changes to your grow room.*

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
What you need is a p and K I have that problem every time, red leaf stem and dying tips.. a garder was right I'm not a pro it's my fourth grow going to fifth... I believe this is a nutrient burn DSC_0097.JPG
That or more stripey marks. And I in process to solved the problem but I still need more blooming stuff and the new growth tips is sorted but stem is still at it DSC_0096.JPG
If you zoom at the tip of this leaf is still has the deff. You need some P.K. Hope this helpsuser141080_pic834101_1328773618.jpg