My plants seem to be dying, i have moved them into the closet and have a T5 light above. Bought these clones in a legal state and had them only 2 days so far giving them about 18 hours daylight and 6 hours in the dark. Its been a little irregular cause transporting them back into another state and such.
I had them in my bathroom day one, on day two I was changing locations (went to hydroponic store for supplies and had them on the stove... not on obv). My idiot roomate decides to use the oven and not remove them from atop the stove and oven totally shriveled one up. The rest seem ok. Fucking idiot....I STILL can't believe he did that. Moving forward....
Can anyone give me any feedback I need quick answers and my window is closing it seems to save the one my roommate messed up pictured below? Ive hoisted it up with sticks for support. She was warm af to the touch when i found her but still soft.
These are the rest and seem the healthiest out of the lot.
I had them in my bathroom day one, on day two I was changing locations (went to hydroponic store for supplies and had them on the stove... not on obv). My idiot roomate decides to use the oven and not remove them from atop the stove and oven totally shriveled one up. The rest seem ok. Fucking idiot....I STILL can't believe he did that. Moving forward....
Can anyone give me any feedback I need quick answers and my window is closing it seems to save the one my roommate messed up pictured below? Ive hoisted it up with sticks for support. She was warm af to the touch when i found her but still soft.
These are the rest and seem the healthiest out of the lot.