DWC PPM question transition and flowering


Well-Known Member
I have purple punch and strawnana dwc 10 or 12 gal bins with usually 4.5gal of solution in them and two large air stones. They are in 5" netpots.

I am using the GH flora series and RO water that introduces call and mag back into the water. The RO system was for hydroponic growing.

My purple punch PH has stayed steady and ppm usually maintained. So I got that perfect balance. I was proud. However strawnana keeps dropping PH down to 5.4 from 6.2 in the course of 3 days.

My questions are:

Purple punch is eating more now, should I stick to the GH flora drain to waste(haven't been draini g to waste just adding RO and nutes interchanging every other watering schedule (2.5ml each grow micro bloom) per gallon? I did that and added to the purple punch and a full gallon into the bin only raised it from 250ppm to 300 ppm and my gallon I added was 270ppm. So only 30ppn change? Should I start trying to add more food maybe go 400 one week 500 next week and wait for burn? How long does it take to see tip burn?

Second question, why does strawnana keep dropping ppms? Should I ph the bin at 6.5 and try keeping it there? It seems under 5.8 it's not eating and I noticed yellowing of lower leaves where the veins were green during week one of transition. I put ppms to 6.3 and 3 days later it had eaten 100 ppm. Purple punch ate 150ppm in 3 days

Thanks for help. I tried to be as detailed as possible.
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Ppm should be dropping a little mate.
And ph should rise from 5.7-6.3 over the course of about 4 days so what you've written sounds like your pretty spot on.
Post a pic man. Be able to tell you the right strength to feed from that and have a better idea what the issue is.
Also, you said "using ro water which introduces cal and mag into the water "
It doesn't do that bud. It removes cal and mag so you need to add them yourself.
Don't worry it's always an easy fix.
Oh and just to double check. There no gunk or bad sells in the res?
Roots don't feel slimy? They should feel pretty dry to touch.
how long since last res change and finally are you using iether a sterilizer or some sort of beneficial bacteria to keep the res clean.
Gotta use one or the other cos it's quite hard to avoid root rot without them.
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I did a res change last week during transition. And yes my RO system adds back 15ppm of calmag after filtering everything else. It's a special unit that does that.

How often and what Bennie's or sterilizer should I use? H202? How many ml per gal
15ppm isnt enough mate. You need around 100ppm of calmag in ro. What's your tap water like to start with? Anything 300ppm or under is usually perfectly safe. Most of England's is a lot worse and not many of those guys bother with it.
Mines only 48ppm so I just buy soft water nutes and save needing to balance the calmag.
Tap is 280ppm and caused so many issues in past. I use RO water with 15ppm of calmag. I'll add more calmag but I'm not going back to tap.
Fair enough. The extra calmag helps balance the ph fluctuations too so the swing slows down a bit. :)
Bennies or bleach. There's not much in it really. Both sides think their way is better.
I've used both and never seen a difference.
I use hydroguard now as my sterilizer was discontinued.
HydroGuard is good bacteria. Like yakult for the res. Eats the bad stuff and the roots love it. It's not cheap though and the Americans on here mostly seem to use a much cheaper, more concentrated version. Can't remember what it's called though. Be ' bacillus amyloliquefaciens' bacteria in some form.
Hmm thanks. So what causes such a pH drop from 6.3 to 5.4 in 3 days? You think it's lack of cal mag? I'll start adding some hydrogen peroxide or Bennie's when I get some more responses or how much to add. If I can get away with XxMl of h2o2 I'd be happy. It's cheap here

I just added 2ml per 4 gallons of hydrogen peroxide 3%. In each container. Also added 14ml calimag(1ml per l)
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Hmm thanks. So what causes such a pH drop from 6.3 to 5.4 in 3 days? You think it's lack of cal mag? I'll start adding some hydrogen peroxide or Bennie's when I get some more responses or how much to add. If I can get away with XxMl of h2o2 I'd be happy. It's cheap here

I just added 2ml per 4 gallons of hydrogen peroxide 3%. In each container. Also added 14ml calimag(1ml per l)
Ahh, you said in the first bit that ph was dropping but you said low to high so thought you meant rising.
Yeah the lack of calmag could definately be the culprit. It's supposed to rise.
Might need some more nutes in general but need to see the plant to get a better idea. Picture speaks a thousand words and all that.
Not comfortable with pictures too much security risk with geotags and all that BS. I'll try working nutes up by 100 ppm a week