DWC Grow Closet (New Grower)

Greetings all!

This is my first grow and first post =]
I have a Superbox [http://www.dealzer.com/servlet/the-7...abinet/Detail]

12/1/11 (day 1)
- I germinated 12 White Widow seeds

12/3/11 (day 3)
- I went ahead and planted 10 seeds in rock wool, which had been presoaked in pH corrected water for 24 hours.

-For now I will be using plain tap water until vegging, at which point I will begin to use distilled water.

12/4/11 (day 4)
- Nothing special.

12/5/11 (day 5)
- pH = 6.8
- PPM = 165
- Water temp = 72 degrees

- Went ahead and changed water. There were some floaties in the water which came from the water pump.
- No sprouts yet

12/6/11 (day 6)
-pH = 7.0
-PPM = 185


-pH was a little high, I brought it down to 6.5. I've been having a hard time keeping the pH consistant. Maybe the growing medium?

-I do regular checks 2-3 times a day (before and after bed). Every time I have checked the pH so far I have had to add some pH down. I also believe my pH down has gone bad. The color is a diluted orange and I have had to use up to 10 ml to bring the pH down just 1.0. I did some reasearch and figured out apple vinegar may be a good temporary substitute for pH down. After trying the apple vinegar I still had a hard time adjusting the pH :*(
I believe it could either be the pH test (green drops), or the pipet I may be using to measure our the solutions.

-On a positive note 8 of the 10 seeds look like they are close to sprouting. I will post pictures very soon!