DWC Elephant bud 600w (1st time)


Well-Known Member
This is the first post of my new grow.

I'm using this system with a dwc



Some pics attached. Things will not get going until my mother recovers enough to take clones. She was just transplanted.

I am working with this strain, direct from bc seeds.http://bcseeds.com/p102/Elephant-Bud/product_info.html?osCsid=7jmqni6u6n03b6a5s0citdedg6

The mother is verified from BC seeds.

Going as organic as possible.

sprouted some seedlings while I wait to see if the mother recovers.

Once things get going, pictures will be posted regularly.



Well-Known Member
Firstly FUCKKKKK i put my fan in backwards...

Took 10 clones off of the mother plant

my 8 site dwc system is arriving today (30 bucks off ebay!)

once my clones root i will start the big shebang

Legal Note: this is a legal medical grow in Washington state under state law



Well-Known Member
Hi Promitus:

I'm really glad to see another elephant grow and I will follow your grow closely. Feelf ree to come into mine. I'm in the smoke reports section and I was seeking people who had grown any strain of elephant or upstate from BC seeds. Believe me, I took a lot of negative comments but some people who had grown it did contact me.

What kind of elephant are you growing?

Feel free to sen me a personal message at any time.

I might be growing elephant outdoors or upstate. Not sure just yet.

Anyways man, power to ya!



Well-Known Member
It's whatever that link links to, thats where my source got his.

He sold me a mother, and I can tell it is what it is because the stems were absolutely purple beyond belief upon closer inspection and it's so far matching up with the description. I took clones a few days ago and there were new bud sites by the end of the day....

It's currently vegging under a 600W HPS running at 200W through the ballast...


New Member
You got a dimable ballast? Sweet.
Scrib'd hope all goes well good luck and may you be blessed with a shitload of buds


Well-Known Member
People go apeshit at those prices and claims like best/strongest/biggest in the world.

I'd love to see how it turns out in a huge indoor tree grow though with 4kw+ per plant. If you are also curious to see how it would do, I'd love to get a clone and show how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Took some pics of the clones and mother.

The seedlings are really taking off. The one in the green cup is going the best IMO...

The motherplant has a shit ton of growth at the base of it and the sites where I took clones are already showing 2-3 cm leaves.

Been watering them once daily with water using 1/4 strgh nutes. The mother mostly gets water with a light foliar spray.

Got 10 clones going and my DWC system arrived, it's a little smaller than I wanted (3 gal) but it should still produce some 3-4 foot plants.

So I'm waiting on the clones to get into the system and develop roots and I will force flowering (attempting a SOG this time around)



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and I need an idea for silencing that fan...


How often should I be watering the clones? If I don't see the hood steamed up I spray it with water..

Clones take 1-2 weeks to root right?


Well-Known Member
Mother is recovering quickly and I will be topping it after I take the next clone. It's bushy at the bottom and there are full small leaves formed at the nodes near where I trimmed already. I probably won't update with pictures until clones root.


Well-Known Member
Finally got a fan controller and everything is silent now. :-)

Seedlings getting big one showing preflowers already.

Clones still not rooting...


Well-Known Member
Just realized I had my lights on a 15-7 schedule and that wasnt what I wanted. I set them to 20-4 for vegetative until they catch up.


Well-Known Member
One runt out of my lot of bag seeds.. My elephant mother is looking great. Lots of clones and some are FINALLY rooting.

I'm trying to figure out a cheap solution for housing my mother (suggestions)

Once I house the mother and my plants gain another few inches im going to force flowering (so I can have a harvest before I get my DWC going...)

Enjoy :-)



Well-Known Member
first elephant clone rooted finally (my first one!!!) its chilling in my DWC under a 42W cfl and a 23W CFL. Light nutes. Organic B and Floranectar

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what size is the 8 plant DWC? being ebay, and that cheap, i'd be willing to be it's nothing more than as many holes drilled in it as possible to make it sound more appealing. i could certainly drill another 2 or 3 holes in mine, but it would be totally counter productive to the plants growth. unless of course you're gong with a SOG

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm using an 8-9 gallon tote and that is only really adequet for 4 plants, and they need a good amount of trimming and such to keep just the 4 managable. unless the lid is like 1 meter square, i'd think twice about 8