DWC, DIY Auto White Russian


Well-Known Member
Well Thanks for stopping bye. Here we go on my 2nd grow first came out pretty good. I learned alot :wall: and now have started somthing new.

What we have is three auto White russian in 3 seprate DWC setups. Each plant is in it's own 2 gallon bucket with a 5 inch round air stone with a 50 watt sumeragable heater. Everything is under a 400 hps.

Right this min I have 2 seeds all setup in thier buckets and all set to go under the light. I have a few pics of things I will be using to get the job done. All coments and sugestions are welcome. Please more chat the better it keeps the grow alive.

This was before I set up eveything last night and this after I setup today.

Here are some of the supplies I am using:

Here are the ph up and down solutions:

This is the Fertilizer I will be using:

It's all pretty basic stuff. I find the more I complicate somthing the I fuck it up. So like I said 2 beans are in waiting on one more to crack. This is gonna be a kool grow. Male or female they are geting grown. male I will collect the pollen and female well smoke that shit. I am hoing for 2 fems and boy. I would like tag one of these bitches so I can get some seeds and won't have to worries about buying anymore. WElCOME


Well-Known Member
Looking good Kool,

Great set up, was considering DWC on my next but one grow so
will be very interested in how they turn out compared to my WR
grown in soil.

Keep up the good work :~)



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys i love the white russian strain I can't wait to try it mixed with the lowryder. Just to not sure if it's gonna be worth it? 2 months for an Oz. When I can go another 30 days for almost 3 to 4 Oz. but I am doing three plants at a time so 3 Oz should last me till the next harvest.

Good news the seedlings are showing signs of popping through the peat pocket they are in. The other seed is fully germinated I will get her into a cup and a peat pocket but when I bought my air hose and t I should of got a 4 way I'm a dumb ass. so I have to grab one of those to before I can set up her bucket. I might do trays from now with covers when germinating and then move them to the dwc buckets. I using about 5quatrs of water just a little over a gallon of water in each bucket. One drop of superthrive in each bucket the people at the hydro shop swear bye it.

So we are now in to day 2 and I am having a few heat problems in the tent it's in my closet and doesn't get a ton of ventilation. I think that has to be the hardest thing to control for everyone. I have some 6 in flexable duct but it real stiff duct I don't like it I might take it back I like the more flexible kind. I eventually have to take care of that problem. Well for now things are pretty stable they also went thru there first 6 hours of darkness which is always good. lights will be on 18/6 for the grow till a three day darkness at the end.


Well-Known Member
Well it will be one week tommrow form when I first put the sprouted seeds into the dwc. As an impatient idiot I pulled the plugs from the hydroton to see how we were doing and Of course we doing just fine sprouts have gone thru the peat pod and are starting to make there way thru the hydroton. I checked all of them becasue I am a good fuck up. They spouted out and opend but haven't moved that what got me concerned. I need to relax. the next time I am gonna germ them and get a good root base before putting them in the dwc. I think I will be able to take better care of them. Still all a learning process. So not much else to talk about.


Active Member
How much air you running through those stones? How long you going to veg them for? Like the set up btw.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kool U have any pix man? U know u can raise the water in ur bucket for the first couple days to help speed up the process of this stage... U want the rock dark not wet..Moist but no bubbles popping at the top of the rock... This will help get the roots in the water faster...or u can simply water the rock around the plug a few times a day with a half cup of water..Pimp those babies out man ur in control...


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for tuning in. For the air I have a 10 gallon air pump pumping air into 2 of them I have to get another one to hi the last bucket. I thought 1 was gonna be enough but all I can find is 3 way splits no 4 ways. so the air is pushed off in diffent directions and not equally. So I just have to get another pump oh well.

Auto white russian are only suppose to get to be like 14"s tall not to big. I don't have to veg them very long and they will go into flowering on thier own. I don't need to change the light cycle. I stay at 18/6 for the entire grow.

I finally got one root through the cup and heading for the water still nothing on the others. The plants them selves seem so tiny, but strong. I am having some heating problems it's been hot cold hot cold. no real steady temps. I might just be a week behind or maybe not we are dealing with cannibis and when it wants to grow it will grow. lol Any thoughts or comments would be kool peace.

By the way guys it's only been one week from monday so I guess we are doing ok. I did change the water that was in the bucket added 1 drop of superthrive to the water and then balenced the ph.


Well-Known Member
I paid like 40 us I think I also bought snowryder g13 x haze and I got a comp 10 thia skunk total was like 130 or somthing like that


Well-Known Member
I wish I could plant those other seeds. 3 at a time that's what the wife will let me have. just enough for personal use. Fine with me i'm no dealer. germed them in soft cotton cloth over a light just with water and heat.

Today I got well my wife picked up a 40 gallon air pump and a valve so I could hit all the buckets. She got it all firder upbefore the lights went out. I saw a tap root coming from one other basket so we are making progress. Next water change I will be adding 1/4 tsp of veg nutes to the res probably won't need more than that before flower. once I know thatthey are flowering I will use maxi bloom and kool bloom small amounts I don't want to burn them. Does anyone have any info on fertilizing the AUTo's


Well-Known Member
Thanks Josh. took me awhile to customize to my liking. hope fully I can just run with this system untill I get sick of hydro. Then try some coco perlite mix. But right now and for awhile hydro is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
im growing under cfls right now to see how good my seeds are the mom that the seeds came from were awsome i hope they are too the kind is unknowen