Dwarved white dwarf buddha bud females

Hey, as the tittle says i have one dwarved ( too much sun and little water it wont grow tall ) Strain is White dwarf/ Buddha Bud, its about 19-20 days old. Ive made a post earlier when she was younger...

Right now she is really short, but is flowering!!! shes been through alot of stress and at one point a nutrient deficientcy but through all that stress she is looking good. Im using a 120 Watt Cool white CFL Bulb inside a box i constructed with a fan on it, and giving it all the great natural sun it can get...

I also attached my other girl in a picture shes the taller one about 3 times the height of the dwarved one and they were started on the same day! Both are really reaking of strong smelly skunk and the pistols are starting to come out so nicely.

I also have a little girl whos about 9 days old, Shes also a white dwarf buddha bud and has been growing very healthy ( Although today she got way too much direct sun, was over heated a bit ) when i got home her leaves were drooping but i put her inside and there already rising to the light...

And YES i know i gotta get this bitch a new box!

Any feedback and comments is appreciated,
Thanks E.

