During Veg - light on leaves or on bud sites?


I already asked this question in the newbie section but didn't really get an answer to my question, so I hope it's ok to post it here as well.

I'm on my first ever grow, week 6 of veg. I started to ScrOG about a week ago. My plant is an Alaskan Purple, very short, very bushy with tons of big leaves. As I've started to move the branches along the net I also tucked back/tied back the leaves to get maximum light on all the little future bud sites. This takes a LOT of work every day as she bounces back and her leaves cover everything again within 24 hours. Now I'm wondering if what I'm doing even makes sense. During veg do I want maximum light on the leaves as they produce the energy or do I want to tie the leaves back and have max light on the bud sites?

First pic is in the morning with the leaves un-tied/ un-tucked, second pic is after I tied the leaves back to get light to the bud sites.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on your first grow. But ...

I wouldn't tie the branches to the trellis since that crowds the middle. SCROG-ing is designed to open the middle more.

Untie them from your netting then secure the longer branches to the sides of your fabric pots. Use those black alligator style clips like these:


You can use those green ties snug the branches up to the metal loops. Spread the branches outwards and open up the middle to expose as many bud sites to the light.