dtw - Outdoors above ground. Which container and media should I use for a BUSH


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Id like to hear some opinion on which method I should use to grow outdoors and above ground, only a few plants for a personal grow

I am very torn between a fabric pot that can be fed with a drip line from a nearby reservoir for multi feeds with a media like Promix HP , or a Hempy style setup with a reservoir and either hand or automated feeding.

My soil on my property is basically all sand and rocks so Im not very partial to trying to put them in the ground, and I figure if I am going to put them in pots and I already own all the pumps/timers/reservoir etc it seems I would benefit from doing something automated with a soil less type medium like promix outside.

What I am most unsure of is container size though, I figure a plant that is started inside a month before being brought outdoors will probably finish to be a pretty large girl, but I know you can get away with a smaller container with automated feeding, I have no trouble keeping a resevoir filled and timer setup proper, feed multiple times per day if thats whats going to make them grow fastest

Would I see much difference between a 5 gallon VS 20 gallon VS 100 gallon if the roots were always kept wet would I really reach to max of 5 gallon. I do own fabric pots from 2 all the way to 20 gallon , or maybe something else in recommended like a hempy in a brute tote. Im open to hearing ideas that are realistic

Would hempy be superior to be able to water much easier and give the plant a res to drink from??

I appreciate all advice and look forward to discussing the grow
Hey guys, Id like to hear some opinion on which method I should use to grow outdoors and above ground, only a few plants for a personal grow

I am very torn between a fabric pot that can be fed with a drip line from a nearby reservoir for multi feeds with a media like Promix HP , or a Hempy style setup with a reservoir and either hand or automated feeding.

My soil on my property is basically all sand and rocks so Im not very partial to trying to put them in the ground, and I figure if I am going to put them in pots and I already own all the pumps/timers/reservoir etc it seems I would benefit from doing something automated with a soil less type medium like promix outside.

What I am most unsure of is container size though, I figure a plant that is started inside a month before being brought outdoors will probably finish to be a pretty large girl, but I know you can get away with a smaller container with automated feeding, I have no trouble keeping a resevoir filled and timer setup proper, feed multiple times per day if thats whats going to make them grow fastest

Would I see much difference between a 5 gallon VS 20 gallon VS 100 gallon if the roots were always kept wet would I really reach to max of 5 gallon. I do own fabric pots from 2 all the way to 20 gallon , or maybe something else in recommended like a hempy in a brute tote. Im open to hearing ideas that are realistic

Would hempy be superior to be able to water much easier and give the plant a res to drink from??

I appreciate all advice and look forward to discussing the grow
Sounds very nice. I've never had the opportunity to grow outdoors so 5 gallons in coco has been my limit & the roots didn't totally fill the pot although close. 10 gallons seems plenty. I assume soil cost would factor. Appears to also be a good location to start a compost.

What is the water source?

Because of the no trouble with multiple feeds & if you have the time you might want to do 1 in soil & 1 in coco. Soil for less risk & coco for yield. I'd love to see how an outdoor coco grow would do outdoors being fed 4 or 5 times a day but I wouldn't recommend doing only coco on a first run. That's more of a fun thing.

An autoflower in soil would be a good idea.

I'm living vicariously. So, after all that, my inexperienced answer is 10 gallons.
20 to 25 gallon pot are nice and still moveable....soil is easier than coco....because lets say it rains...for 3 days your coco leaches all the food.

If you want a giant bush 40 50 gallon fabric pots but you would have to start them indoors like march 1.
For a water source I am able to use rain water most of the year, I can use my well water with fairly high ppm if I cannot collect enough, and I imagine with multifeeds I would likely have to use the well water "sometimes" if it didnt rain for two weeks or more, I have 100gallons of rain barrell capacity.

I think the multifeeds a day would eliminate a soil less medium from being leached of all nutrient as it would be added periodically during daylight, Id imagine it would have to be raining dang hard to really wet the soil in the container to the point of run off.

I also think a 10 gallon pot would be enough "root ball" if I am constantly feeding it, but I would think it would need stabilization with a smaller pot holding its weight on the wind aswell.

Personally I am partial to trying promix as my medium for this trial, one of the big bale bags can do 40 gallons for $40 here in Canada. I have not seen much for real quality soil locally, I am open to trying one or two plants in soil aswell though