drying ur nugs

ok so.. when drying and curing freshly harvested nugs about how long does it usually take them to dry before u move them to jars and start burping them, im a newb, yes, and id just like to know what to expect this season, its my first grow.


Active Member
when the outside of the bud is crispy but still feel a little moist inside that when to move them to jars. how long it takes really depends on alot of factors temp, humidity, bud density ect.


Active Member
it depends on your Room Humidity,and Temperature.

too low of room humidity will cause your buds to dry too fast,most likely 3 days.

if you dial in the right humidity it should take 7+ days.at around 7 days the humidity will lower due to the buds being dryer.

i believe i read the humid should be around 45-60% area and temps in the 60-70.

too high of humidity can/will cause mold.

dont dry until the stem snaps.it can bend but if you wait until it snaps then you possibly waited until the bud has no moisture inside.and you will have to re-moist it.

and after jaring,check to make sure you didnt put the buds in too soon,after jaring my buds i tend to check them to see if they get too moist from sweating out the moisture inside the buds,if so then ill take them out of the jars and place into brown paper bags or the cartboard square the jars came in,then cover it. or a closed cartboard box.once dry again put them back in jars (not stem snapping dry)

overall i like them to be dry outside but not crispy,and have like 5-10% moisture,you can lightly squeeze a bud and feel that it is dry,and still has a bit of softness in the middle.if buds are all round too soft,they should be put in the paper bags for a bit longer,a day or less.but dont just put them in and forget about them or think you have to wait exactly a day to check on them.

also trim most of the leaf material to make them smell better.

takes roughly 3+ weeks of curing in jars to get the smell back.


Well-Known Member
I have been dying a new way over the past two year,i cut the plants at the base of the stem and just hang the plant up side down.If you room is a decent size then i still leave two lights on,when i was first told about this i thought bad idea but belive me it works.I also no longer use scissors i use my fingers the leaves just pull off so easy when dried this way.Once you bud is dry then it can be put into jars but make sure that you take the lid off for the 1st 7 days for a few mins to let it breath.I must admit i never cure my bud it gets smoked has soon has,i get about 36 oz of 4 plants so some is around for a while,i just leave this in a air tight sealer bag....tyke

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Obviously, it has to do with much more than time. And, if you get them too dry before they go into jars the curing process won't work. Of course, if they are too wet you'll get bud rot. Your best bet is to get one of these:


Put some of your dried bud in a jar with this. SimonD has a great post on this here:



Well-Known Member
------------------> [video=youtube;YrBQvEnVhzc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrBQvEnVhzc[/video]