Drying rooms out with a dehumidifier - hot box or windows open?


Active Member
I am currently trying to use a 26l Mitsubishi dehumidifier to dry out the dampness in my laundry.
Its early winter where i am, temps about 15c, ambient humidity 80%, laundry with dehumidifier running and windows/doors closed is below 40%

Should i close the laundry up hot box style or leave the windows open for best results?
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Found the answer on this krazy new thing the kids call google, cant work out how to delete my post.

(windows closed turned out to be the best)
If you are actually drying laundry then windows closed is best. If you are drying weed 40% humidity is too low for cannabis.
Yes it was the laundry area:)
Sometimes laundry’s are poorly vented. If it is a short vent run it might be easy to check for clogs or eliminate “spaghetti” type venting.
Also sometimes people have screens on their exhaust hoods. If you have one rip the screen out. Laundry’s are only supposed to have a flapper on the hood cause of lint