Drying question


Active Member
So, I harvested on 4/20. I've had them hung up and drying until today. I checked this morning and the buds are crispy dry. The stem is dry and close to snapping but still bends slightly. I've read this is the best time to begin the cure, but is this absolutely abnormal to have it dried this quickly? Is there a problem? They are rather puffy and some are tighter but none are rock hard nugs which is disappointing to me. I grew White Widow, Crystal and ICE. The White Widow is the most dense.

Also, there is certainly no characteristic bud smell. It was ridiculously strong and delicious smelling prior to harvest. Does this come with the cure? Curious about that. It smells more like hay than anything else.

Thanks everyone!


Active Member
You should be fine as long as you air them out muliple times a day and make sure that they do not get too moist in your jars or whatever you are using to cure them.. good luck


Well-Known Member
You may have had a high temp or low humidity that dried it out faster than normal this time.
Yea the smell comes back after a good long cure.

Brick Top

New Member
Evidently your temperature and or humidity was off because fluffy or not they should not have dried that fast. Curing will help but when bud dries that fast the taste will suffer and even proper curing will not return it to what it could have been.

Use the link and read the info and see what to do next time. For this harvest cure but be careful and be sure to open your jars often so you don’t get mold. Crispy outside and very dry stems on bud that dried that fast could still mean the inner portions of the bud are still moist so you could be fooled and end up with mold thinking there is no danger. Maybe there isn’t but it would be wise to assume there is rather than assume there isn’t. Assuming there is will never cause a problem but assuming there isn’t could easily cause problems.
